How much for a Wii U Cardboard GamePad?

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2012 4

How much for a Wii U Cardboard GamePad? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

How much do you love cardboard? With the launch of the Wii U, various GamePads have appeared on eBay but look a little different...

Over the weekend a piece of cardboard, cut out of proportion and detailed with hand-drawn buttons went on sale on eBay, fetching well over $13,000 in bids. Fake bids we would, for humanity's sake, hope so. Since then the listing had been removed, but it's given birth to a slew of different varities, some better finished and a teeny bit more accurate than others.

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Last I checked it was over $25,000. Probs for jokes.

Theres been a few auctions similar to this. The winning bidders simply cancel their accounts.


Azuardo said:
Last I checked it was over $25,000. Probs for jokes.

When I saw it, it was at $92,500! Smilie

SirLink said:
Azuardo said:
Last I checked it was over $25,000. Probs for jokes.

When I saw it, it was at $92,500! Smilie

ffs lol. That account must have closed before the end then.

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