How to Use SD Cards as Hard Drives on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.11.2012 5

How to Use SD Cards as Hard Drives on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo don't officially support SD/HC cards for Wii U downloads, however one Wii U user has found a nifty workaround.

Whilst a USB hard-drive is the official choice for running downloaded retail games or eShop titles, those who might have a spacious SD card lying around can "trick" the system by inserting it into a USB card reader. Simply pop in the SD card into the reader, and the reader's USB slot into the back of the Wii U.

When connected to the Wii U's USB port, the console assumes that the device is an external hard drive. 

Image for How to Use SD Cards as Hard Drives on Wii U

Nintendo do recommend using external hand-drives for a stable environment for downloads, and  using SD card readers may be phased out with a future firmware update.

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This is what I was planning to do. I hope they keep this option available.

Happy to hear this as I bought two 32gb high speed SD cards during an Amazon Goldbox deal. One I'm using for my 3DS and the other I wanted to use for Wii U.

I wouldn't download full games to my SD card, but small things like game saves and some DLC where the slower speed (compared to a hard drive) wouldn't matter.

As for concerns about it being disabled in a future update, is there anyway for the Wii U to know the difference?

( Edited 20.11.2012 15:07 by Sonic_13 )

WIIUNITD (guest) 20.11.2012#3

I hope this stays the same. Forcing people to spend another $60-$120 Would be a step bacwards!

A few weeks ago I decided I needed an USB HDD for my PC anyway. So now I'm a proud owner of a 2TB Western Digital HDD.

But it's good to see things like this work.

This is good news, i have a few big SD cards lying around anyway that are unused and my SD card reader is really small as well so wont look to ugly sticking out the back.

Would be a bit silly for Ninty to stop this.....but like Sonic_13 said how would they know the difference?

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