Interview | Cubed3 Talks to Nexon About MapleStory (Nintendo DS)

By Adam Riley 09.07.2012 5

Back in 2010, following the release of MapleStory DS in the South Korean market, alongside a wave of advertising, as well as a special themed Nintendo DSi model, Cubed3 was lucky enough to catch up with the Head of the MapleStory DS development team, Kim Hyung-Ho. Fast-forward a couple of years to the eventual Japanese release that took place a few months back and it is now Hong Sungjoon, the Director of the project, that Cubed3 was able to quiz. Read on for some extra details, news of the game likely not making its planned Western release in the format expected, and more.

Image for Interview | Cubed3 Talks to Nexon About MapleStory (Nintendo DS)

Adam Riley, Operations Director at Cubed3: MapleStory for Nintendo DS was announced in 2006 and was finally released in 2010. What were some of the reasons for such a long development period?

Hong Sungjoon, Director of MapleStory DS: Initially, the plan was to simply transfer the online factors of MapleStory to the Nintendo platform, but there was the addition of the original elements thanks to Nintendo’s influence. Including an independent scenario, personality for the characters and actions (and so on) meant that the development period took longer than expected to reach it conclusion.

Adam Riley: Nintendo of Korea helped publish MapleStory DS in Korea. Can you explain why Nintendo is no longer involved now the game is coming to Japan?

Hong Sungjoon: The marketing procedure for sales in Japan is very different from in South Korea, so we decided to manage it internally using the Nexon team itself. It was the first time the company had attempted direct console publishing of this sort. We thought that experiences in the console trade market were going to be very helpful for us in future and yes, it certainly proved to be a very good experience.

Image for Interview | Cubed3 Talks to Nexon About MapleStory (Nintendo DS)

Adam Riley: Considering the popularity of the MapleStory brand name, was the DS version expected to be a big success in Japan?

Hong Sungjoon: We were a bit concerned about the way the market was changing, not only because of the recent increase in sales of the Nintendo 3DS, but also due to the launch of the PlayStation Vita and general big year-end titles. We expected that it would sell well, at a steady rate for the long term in Japan.

Adam Riley: Have there been any updates added to the game since its Korean release?

Hong Sungjoon: There has been no new content added to the game. Instead we focused on adjusting the script accordingly to portray the right amount of emotion for the Japanese language.

Adam Riley: Can you briefly explain the game’s story and who the main characters are?

Hong Sungjoon: There are four different characters; Warrior, Rogue, Archer and Wizard. All the characters are actually the main stars. Each character has its own scenario but they all adventure in the same world and are the storylines become intertwined. Therefore, you have to clear the game with each character to fully understand the extent of the scenarios and to ensure that you see the true ending.

Image for Interview | Cubed3 Talks to Nexon About MapleStory (Nintendo DS)

Adam Riley: In Korea there were vouchers in the DS game that could be used to get special items in MapleStory on PC. Was there something similar in the Japanese edition?

Hong Sungjoon: Yes, there was a special (privileged) item that you could only get in Japan when purchasing the game. It is a good item but only one you can get when you purchase MapleStory DS!

Adam Riley: Now that MapleStory DS has been released in Japan, will Nexon bring the game to the US and Europe? If so, will it definitely be released in 2012?

Hong Sungjoon: In reality, we think it is now too difficult to publish it as a package in America and Europe. However, we will consider if it is possible to publish it in the form of a download on Nintendo 3DS.

Adam Riley: Nintendo has had great success in South Korea with the DS and Wii. What are your personal thoughts on 3D gaming and can the Nintendo 3DS that recently launched in Korea be successful?

Hong Sungjoon: We think the stereoscopic 3D function, without glasses, is definitely going to visually provide new excitement and stimulation for gamers. There are gamers who don’t want to see or can’t see the 3D effect, though. Therefore, it is certainly limited to create games that are fully 3D. Therefore, when we start working on the 3DS, we thought that perhaps we shouldn’t force people to play in 3D.

However, from visual point side of things, as mass market development flowed from 2D to 2.5D and now 3D polygons, we think main market trend could flow to next stage of solid 3D without spectacles, which will give stimulation only in terms of visual factors.

Image for Interview | Cubed3 Talks to Nexon About MapleStory (Nintendo DS)

Adam Riley: Some analysts believe that the rise in popularity of Apple’s iPhone / iPad and other Smartphones means that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will struggle to sell their systems in the future. Do you agree with this, or can Smartphones and systems like PSVita and Nintendo 3DS be successful at the same time?

Hong Sungjoon: I don’t agree that it will happen in the near future. It is difficult to get over the taste of a console and having a controller in your hand, something that differs considerably from the touch type input of Smartphones. Portable systems and consoles that involve players staying at home combined with a non-moveable form will carry on their existence concurrently.

In the past, as there were game-phones with specialised controllers, manufacturers will try to find something that can overcome the lack of controller on a Smartphone in either a hardware or software manner. Also, we think that the experiences of portable systems will be more and more combined with those of home consoles, and that characteristics will transfer to the software on Smartphone handsets.

Eventually, further down the line, we think that they will all try to be similar. In the end it will be a case of dividing formats up by what products are especially made for them. If that is the case, it is hard to see the console market decreasing or not being successful.

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Our member of the week

Very disappointed to learn that should a Maple Story game be released on 3DS in the west, I won't be able to buy it because it'll be on the eShop :/.

( Edited 09.07.2012 23:57 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Nexon is working on a separate 3DS version of MapleStory, though. What is meant in the interview is that they believe bringing the old DS game that got released back in 2010 to Europe would be difficult to sell to retail. Kind of understandable, to be honest.

It's still a really fun game - I've just started playing the Japanese version now. Tried the Korean one a couple of years back, but didn't get far.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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RudyC3 said:
Very disappointed to learn that should a Maple Story game be released on 3DS in the west, I won't be able to buy it because it'll be on the eShop :/.

You guys still don't have eShop cards? I see them in quite a few places now.

Our member of the week

Mush123 said:
You guys still don't have eShop cards? I see them in quite a few places now.

We're pretty much the only country in Western Europe to not have eShop cards... and seems like there's no plans for them to come anytime soon.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Rob64 (guest) 12.07.2012#5

Did they not want to talk about MapleStory 3DS?

I really don't understand why the DS game took so long to be localised. My only thought is that Nintendo held things up and stopped Third Parties releasing it as well.

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