Comparison Shots of the Nintendo 3DS XL/LL

By Adam Riley 08.07.2012 12

Comparison Shots of the Nintendo 3DS XL/LL on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After an early trial of the Nintendo DSi XL back in January 2010, Cubed3 was recently lucky enough to go hands-on with an early XL version of the Nintendo 3DS unit. Due across Europe on 28th July, Nintendo is hoping to boost the weaker-than-expected sales of the auto-stereoscopic portable hardware in this territory by not only increasing the screen size by 90%, but totally revamping the actual appearance to make it far more desirable than before. The result is simply astounding and whilst not as drastic a change as the Nintendo DS to Nintendo DS Lite, it does leave you wondering how it was possible to be so pleased with the diminutive regular Nintendo 3DS system.

Image for Comparison Shots of the Nintendo 3DS XL/LL

Image for Comparison Shots of the Nintendo 3DS XL/LL
Image for Comparison Shots of the Nintendo 3DS XL/LL

Full thoughts on the Nintendo 3DS XL will be coming soon, but for now head over to the media folder below for more of the comparison shots taken of the new system and various other Nintendo items.


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C3 Score

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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Gimme gimme gimme. Smilie

( Edited 16.12.2012 19:12 by Guest )

I don't have a 3DS yet, I wanted to wait for the second model.

But I'm not interested in this. Smilie I guess I'm not much of a handheld guy anymore, I also got the DSL very late (3 years ago I think).

( Edited 16.12.2012 19:12 by Guest )

Canyarion said:
I don't have a 3DS yet, I wanted to wait for the second model.

But I'm not interested in this. Smilie I guess I'm not much of a handheld guy anymore, I also got the DSL very late (3 years ago I think).

Makes sense to me. There's absolutely nothing to gain from buying things early, unless you want some toy or cd(that you'll have to rip to your pc first so you can listen to it on your mp3 player) that come with limited edition versions.
The longer you wait, the less influenced by 'hype' you'll be, the clearer your mind becomes. Which will make you look at games more fairly and help you make a well informed decision.
Add cheaper prices, known problems(that people will report later, since they'll be deluding themselves when they first get a product to maximize enjoyment) and a greater selection of alternatives and you've got great reasons to wait.

When it comes to buying things, it can almost always wait. There's enough 'buying on feeling' already as it is, you're just being intelligent about it. Smilie

( Edited 15.12.2012 18:25 by Guest )

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Unless there are bonuses offered to loyal customers who got said item early. I'm a 3DS Ambassador & I regret NOTHING about geting one early!! Smilie

That's pretty much the same reason I bought a Vita early, it's gonna do poorly just like the psp did & if SOny is smart they'll offer the same freebies like Nintendo did.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Rob64 (guest) 09.07.2012#5

Thanks for the close-ups. Looks SO much better! You guys doing a write-up abouts its features?

Are the edges on the back of the 3DSXL curved? If so, Nice. It may feel like the original phat DS or even the GBA did when it came out.
I have big hands and holding the current 3DS is pretty uncomfortable.

Vorash Kadan said:
Unless there are bonuses offered to loyal customers who got said item early. I'm a 3DS Ambassador & I regret NOTHING about geting one early!! Smilie

That's pretty much the same reason I bought a Vita early, it's gonna do poorly just like the psp did & if SOny is smart they'll offer the same freebies like Nintendo did.

"3DS Ambassador", that's those ten 10-25 year old games you got for paying 80 dollars so you could have the 3DS a few months earlier, right?

Well, sure, if you think that's a great deal go for it. If you feel happy about that, that's all that counts really.

It's just not something I would recommend to anybody.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

God said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Unless there are bonuses offered to loyal customers who got said item early. I'm a 3DS Ambassador & I regret NOTHING about geting one early!! Smilie

That's pretty much the same reason I bought a Vita early, it's gonna do poorly just like the psp did & if SOny is smart they'll offer the same freebies like Nintendo did.

"3DS Ambassador", that's those ten 10-25 year old games you got for paying 80 dollars so you could have the 3DS a few months earlier, right?

Well, sure, if you think that's a great deal go for it. If you feel happy about that, that's all that counts really.

It's just not something I would recommend to anybody.

Well, considering the early adopters were pretty happy to buy the 3DS at the price it launched at and didn't expect to get anything from an eventual price drop, I'd say that they were a great bonus, considering we didn't actually need to get anything from Nintendo, at all.

Mush123 said:

Well, considering the early adopters were pretty happy to buy the 3DS at the price it launched at and didn't expect to get anything from an eventual price drop, I'd say that they were a great bonus, considering we didn't actually need to get anything from Nintendo, at all.

There's not any moral judgment in it, I don't feel Nintendo needed to do anything out of compassion for early buyers or something. I think it's a reasonably good business decision, since there are quite a few people who loved they got NES and Gameboy games on their 3DS, which might have helped them not regret getting their computer later at a relatively much lower price.

So, if I were to get a new portable, I would wait just like Canyarion for the reasons I stated. But knowing a bit of history and still buying early would make Me feel a bit foolish.

Like I said, if you don't really care about paying extra and getting either nothing or a small compensation for it, it's your choice and your enjoyment. That's what matters.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

If I could buy an all white or all black model, I would, until then I wont fork out.

God said:
There's not any moral judgment in it, I don't feel Nintendo needed to do anything out of compassion for early buyers or something. I think it's a reasonably good business decision, since there are quite a few people who loved they got NES and Gameboy games on their 3DS, which might have helped them not regret getting their computer later at a relatively much lower price.

So, if I were to get a new portable, I would wait just like Canyarion for the reasons I stated. But knowing a bit of history and still buying early would make Me feel a bit foolish.

Like I said, if you don't really care about paying extra and getting either nothing or a small compensation for it, it's your choice and your enjoyment. That's what matters.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Nintendo didn't need to give us anything, even if they did drop the price and gave us nothing, I would still be happy with my 3DS. Because I bought it at that price, purely because it was something I wanted and didn't mind paying for.

In that respect, hearing that we would get 20 free games (no matter how old they are) was a rather large compensation for me. As I have also previously stated, my GBA and all my games got stolen when it was in the early days, so most of those games I hadn't experienced or only played briefly on an emulator.

It was the first time I got to play Metroid Fusion and I absolutely love that game now. So, yes for people like me it was amazing to get those free games.

( Edited 11.07.2012 12:40 by Mush123 )

Have to agree on Metroid Fusion; absolutely fantastic game. When I think of Gameboy games, that and Gargoyle's Quest always come to mind as the ones that impressed me deeply.
Shame your games got stolen, Mush. It's nice to read you got to experience some of those games anyway, one way or another.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

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