N64 Month | Best Nintendo 64 Box Art Part 1: Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.03.2012 11

Video game boxes that adorn Japanese store shelves are simply gorgeous, typically sewn together with intricate concept art or bold and colourful characters. The Nintendo 64 era was certainly no exception with most brimming with sublime and inviting designs that are a treat to see even fifteen years on.

Instead of sitting horizontally like games did in North America and Europe, Nintendo opted for a vertical approach on its home turf, which resulted in a very different picture for games released worldwide. Western variations can, occasionally, end up a touch bland by comparison, and fans often cry out for the Eastern originals; so just what makes Japanese box-art so appealing?

Here is Cubed3's selection of Japanese Nintendo 64 boxes that readers may or may not have seen before [ Click to Enlarge ]:

What are your favourites from Cubed3's selection of Japanese Nintendo 64 box art? Are there others readers find particularly interesting? Do share in our comments section below!

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One of my friends from University has remade the F-Zero X box art for a fan made film. , character renders, vehicles etc totally recreated.

Image for

That's pretty smart indeed! Smilie If your friend wants any voices for the project, let me know Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
That's pretty smart indeed! Smilie If your friend wants any voices for the project, let me know Smilie

Ohh its not his project, he was just asked to make the art for it.

It's certainly good artwork! I reckon more Cubed3 readers should share some of their finds Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I remember te red/black Perfect Dark one! I don't think it really helped Japanese sales that much...

There were several changes made to PD in Japan, including making Joanna Dark's face more suitable for the market. I believe the game sold 35,000 in its first week and managed to get to the 77,000 mark at last official count, which isn't too shabby for a Western-developed FPS in Japan on a dead system. That performance is better than the majority of Xbox 360 games in Japan, at least!

Other than PD, my favourites are definitely Sin and Punishment, Mischief Makers and Yoshi's Story. The Smash Bros. one is cool as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

So many good ones. Really like the colours used in the Majora's Mask one, as well as the obvious choices, Perfect Dark, Sin and Punishment, F-Zero. Really like the Pokemon Stadium 2 one too. I like that the Yoshi's Story art was on the manual cover over here (or at least the Australian one which I have anyway). More games should do that if we don't get the JP box art.

That Majora's Mask box is gorgeous. It's really eye catching.

I like Japan's box art for Harvest Moon 64. It's simple and charming. Nice style to it.

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Naturally, the American version of the box must involve an angry face. We're not even fighting anyone in this game. We're brushing cows and planting corn... but with stern concentration. Smilie

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I do like both, though. The background for the American box is really nice (it's an aerial view of the town).

( Edited 08.03.2012 07:26 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
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TAG, that US Harvest Moon boxart almost made my personal top, and could have ended up in the article above Smilie. It's one of the rare cases where I love the US boxart more than the Japanese one.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Perfect Dark, all day long. That is one sexy box art! I'll also say that my Japanese Banjo-Kazooie box is quite pretty. But yeah, the Jap PD box is pure sex. I wants it.

I would have to go with Mario 64's cover. There is just something about it that never gets old.

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