SEGA and Nintendo Collaborate on Rhythm Thief 3DS

By Adam Riley 22.02.2012 1

SEGA and Nintendo Collaborate on Rhythm Thief 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Polish your sleuthing skills and dust off your dancing shoes because Nintendo and SEGA have today confirmed that they have entered into a new distribution agreement for the forthcoming game Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure, scheduled for release exclusively on Nintendo 3DS across Europe on 5th April 2012. Under the terms of the agreement Nintendo will be responsible for the sales, marketing and distribution of the game throughout European territories, with SEGA remaining as publisher. Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure combines a thrilling twist-filled adventure, with rhythm-based challenges utilising the unique functions of the Nintendo 3DS to the fullest. The action takes place in a beautifully rendered anime-styled Paris, where you play the sharp-suited Raphael, whose alter ego is Phantom R, an honourable thief who always returns his loot a few days after stealing it.

Together with your canine companion Fondue, you aim to solve the mystery of your father's disappearance once and for all, by embarking on your most daring robbery yet while staying one step ahead of the Parisian police! You will race around Paris cracking puzzles, finding clues and outwitting foes who are out to stop you from pilfering some of the world's most expensive works of art. You will also get the chance to visit some of Paris' most famous landmarks on your journey. Raphael never misses an opportunity to boogie while solving a mystery and there are over fifty rhythm-based challenges on offer to test your Touch Screen tapping, stylus swiping, button bashing and gyro gyrating skills.

Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure will be available across Europe on 5th April 2012 exclusively on Nintendo 3DS.

Box art for Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date July 2012   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date 2012   

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I'm really liking the look of Rhythm Thief, reminds me a bit of Elite Beat Agents and if it's as good, then it'll be an addictive music game.

I'm hoping SEGA will put a demo up on the eShop soon.

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