The face and leader behind the Super Smash Bros franchise, Masahiro Sakurai, has started his research on the new games.
Announced for both 3DS and Wii U last year, the much loved blend of Nintendo characters in the fighting ring has been put neatly to one side in favour of finishing Kid Icarus: Uprising.
With Sakurai's team completing their efforts on the 3DS action epic, time has finally come to ponder how to build on the success of the previous Super Smash Bros games.
Sakurai tweeted earlier today that as part of the preliminary work into the new games, he's been browsing the meaty Smash Bros Dojo website. The page, previously available in multiple languages, once hosted a tonne of daily information, videos and teasers to build hype for the eventual release of Brawl on the Wii.
However, what's the word... it's tremendous. How did we make this?
So Sakurai, his team will now seek out other developers to help put together two new Smash Bros projects, each with the different hardware in mind. Exciting times!
What would you like to see in the next installments for 3DS and Wii U? How should Nintendo improve on the format defined in Brawl and Melee?