Fan Creates Trailer for Wii U Zelda

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.01.2012 16

Fan Creates Trailer for Wii U Zelda on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst Nintendo have been brewing ideas for a new generation of Zelda games, one fan hopes for a Wind Waker sequel.

The GameCube gem, released over a decade ago, is a firm favourite with fans of Nintendo's adventuring franchise and whilst there have been handheld sequels, there hasn't yet been a direct follow-up on the home front.

One dedicated fan Joe Furtado put his visual skills to the test by producing a mock-up trailer for a fictional HD Zelda game, which he dubs The Lost Oracle. Boasting a gorgeous hand-drawn palette and animation, it's certainly one for Nintendo to ponder.

For the strongest impact, be sure to view in 720p:


Would you like to see Nintendo adopt a similar style in a future Legend of Zelda game for Wii U?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild





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Oh my gosh! The Link model was a little weird looking in places, but please Nintendo make the Wii U Zelda look like this! It's like Muramasa, but in 3D!


Wonderful, Wonderful, animation.


Important to point out though there has never been a Zelda direct sequel between generations of consoles. Sometime stuff set long after, but never direct.

Even on the handheld front only PH is a "direct sequel", spirit tracks was hundreds of years latter. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Nice, but I hope Nintendo don't go with Celda again.

I'm fed up of Toon Link.
It's really well done! But Wind Waker has definitely had enough sequels to even put Disney to shame.

I'm pretty sure there are gorgeous visually unique ways of bringing Zelda to WiiU without beating Toon Link like a dead horse.

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While I would agree that some past Zelda games relied on The Wind Waker's artstyle a bit too much, none of them expanded and improved on it. I still see a lot of potential in its artstyle but all we got so far were 2D adaptations in form of Minish Cap and Four Swords (Adventures) and a weird mix in form of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. A true 3D Zelda game in its style definitely needs to happen in the future, preferably on the Wii U.

That's not to say that I wouldn't also appreciate a different, more hand-drawn look similar to this fan-made trailer though. Looks gorgeous! Smilie

( Edited 31.01.2012 14:52 by SirLink )

This guy has a great sense of art direction. It's sorta like a mix of Miyazaki and cel shading.

Darkflame said:

Important to point out though there has never been a Zelda direct sequel between generations of consoles. Sometime stuff set long after, but never direct.

Even on the handheld front only PH is a "direct sequel", spirit tracks was hundreds of years latter.

What about The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass? Same Link/Zelda, different console generation.

The lost Oracle... i get it. X3

Disagree on no more Celda. The DS games and whatever else that used Toon Link did not in any way shape or form do the style justice, and a true HD cel-shaded Zelda like Wind Waker is something I've wanted for years.

Hand-drawn would be really interesting. There are quite a few styles they could use for Zelda, and I welcome any and all. The series is quite diverse for that kind of thing.

Different/unique/changing is my vote.
Dont forget not just static visual improvements, but also animation too -procedural rather then precanned animation would be cool.

Canyarion said:
Darkflame said:

Important to point out though there has never been a Zelda direct sequel between generations of consoles. Sometime stuff set long after, but never direct.

Even on the handheld front only PH is a "direct sequel", spirit tracks was hundreds of years latter.

What about The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass? Same Link/Zelda, different console generation.

True, I phrased badly, but I meant PH was the only one between generations.

( Edited 31.01.2012 20:49 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Amazing! Although funny that it was 10 years ago that 95% of people absolutely hated 'Celda' until they realised how great WW actually was!

Nintendo will surprise us with something new no doubt!

TWW wasn't great, it was an ok game that looked fantastic.
People remember the awesomeness of the animation and memories of it both being short,repetitive,and lacking any overall dungeon puzzles fade Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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ennan (guest) 02.02.2012#13

Reminds me a little of monkey island 3 and that was a gorgeous game. Would love to see Nintendo do something like this.

beautiful! seeing this makes me wonder why nintendo hasn't explored zelda in its sidescrolling form. similar artstyle to whats above and beautiful fluid animation and they'd be on to a winner. would be a nice filler between zelda games and refresh the series... should be called The Legend of Link.... instant purchase!

Just Some Guy (guest) 02.02.2012#15

Personaly, I prefer twilight princess's realism, Zelda is a midevil based fantasy, so I think the Skyrim / lord of the rings style suits it. however that does not mean I hate wind waker's art style. infact I loved the bright colors. the problem with it was I did not think that cartoony charcter models were fitting for the series. I like both zelda and Halo. now please dont hate on me, I know alot of zelda fans hate fps fans, but hear me out. I love halo's graphical art style, because the graphics are very realistic, yet the environments and enemies are very colorful. wich Is what I think the wii u zelda should look like. I just dont think a toon link styled zelda game would for-fill the wii u's graphical capaccity. they should use the realistic graphics for the charcters and monsters in the game, but they should make the environment very colorful and artistic. the problem I had with skyward sword was that some of the character model's cartoonyness just didnt seem to fit, yet the environment was still buitiful.

bottom line: use twilight princess's realism for the people, characters, and monsters. but use wind waker's colorfullness for the environment.

I really liked the part where he dove into the water, PLEASE MAKE THIS NINTENDO!! But yeah the U needs a more realistic Zelda game first atleast to appease the graphic whores out there then we can have art in motion!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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