The Last Story Getting Limited Edition in Europe

By Az Elias 18.01.2012 30

The Last Story Getting Limited Edition in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update 2: Nintendo have now released an official teaser trailer, showcasing the contents of The Last Story's Limited Edition box. As previously confirmed, the package includes the game itself; a steelbook case; and 'Elements of The Last Story - a box containing a 7-track CD from the Nobuo Uematsu-composed soundtrack and an artbook. Have a look below at what you can get your mitts on next month.


Update 1: The official box arts for both the Limited Edition and Standard Edition of The Last Story have surfaced. Each box gives mention to Hironobu Sakaguchi, the game's designer, and composer Nobuo Uematsu. Both are famed for their previous work on the Final Fantasy series, and they have combined their talents once more for the latest RPG on Wii. To reconfirm, both editions of The Last Story will be available in Europe from 24th February.

Image for The Last Story Getting Limited Edition in Europe
Image for The Last Story Getting Limited Edition in Europe

Original Story: It seems Swiss retailer 1ADVD has revealed that a special edition pack of The Last Story will be released alongside the normal game next month in Europe.

Reports suggest the bundle will include the following:

  • A copy of the game
  • Premium steelbook (a metal case for the game and the bundle)
  • Mini art book
  • Soundtrack CD consisting of 7 tracks
Image for The Last Story Getting Limited Edition in Europe

The above image is of 'Elements of The Last Story,' a pre-order bonus that was available in Japan containing all of the items mentioned. Whether this will be inside the European Limited Edition or if it will take on a different look is unknown.

No other information such as pricing is available yet, but we will update as soon as we know more.

The Last Story for Wii releases in Europe on 24th February.

Box art for The Last Story





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When I read 'special edition', I hoped we'd get some extra levels etc. But this is also nice.

Already pre-ordered The Last Story a few days ago and I'm not exactly interested in the additional stuff this special edition is offering. If I can find it somewhere close to the normal price of the game, I'll buy it but otherwise I'll stick with the game alone.

jay (guest) 07.01.2012#3

I'll definitely pick up the special edition if its available in the uk. Isn't it about time we got an english trailer for this, also do we know if there are any gameplay tweaks from the jp version. I heard the main negative of this game is how easy it is, this could be solved just by adjusting enemy health and damage or just by reducing the number of lives you get.

Does anyone know whether this special edition would be freely available from UK retailers other than GAME?

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3
Rob (guest) 10.01.2012#5

I'll probably pick it up if it will be available as retail here in Sweden and not just something that you have to pre-order on the net.

Realism (guest) 11.01.2012#6

Omg that bundle box is fucking sexy! I love it

I preferred the mock-up box art I'd previously created Smilie Smilie

Nice to see this getting a big push from NoE - clearly the success of Xenoblade helped a lot!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Love the artwork that's on the box of the Limited Edition! Smilie Wish it would be the boxart but the one they went for is great too, especially the clock design with those roman numerals from I to X representing 'certain' games. Brilliant idea!

jay (guest) 11.01.2012#9

as soon as its available i will be preordering it from amazon, game or gamestation. Can't wait for this game. Would be nice if we got an english trailer soon, i wanna know if they filled the game with annoying voices or actually made an effort this time.

Cubist (guest) 11.01.2012#10

You're the only person who hates the Xenoblade voices ramsean.

Our member of the week

jesusraz said:
I preferred the mock-up box art I'd previously created Smilie Smilie

Nice to see this getting a big push from NoE - clearly the success of Xenoblade helped a lot!

I hope they seize that queue to finally release more RPGs in Europe than they've done so far. Who knows, Maybe there's still hope for certain DS games to come out, while the DS still has a little life left inside of it ? Or at least future Wii U and 3DS RPGs Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

At least you guys are getting the game. We're in limbo over here. Still hopeful about Nintendo announcing Last Story and Pandora's Tower as the last two Wii games from them. They could even do a "extra content when played on Wii U" thing for it to make them transition games.

Wonder if Wii U will upscale Wii games to 720p+

JRPGfan (guest) 11.01.2012#13

I so very much want that limited edition. Probably way too much to ask for though considering we(NA) might not even get the game.

Just to clarify, anyone know if the "special edition" in the blue box shown at the bottom and the limited edition one on top contain the same items?

JRPGfan (guest) said:
Just to clarify, anyone know if the "special edition" in the blue box shown at the bottom and the limited edition one on top contain the same items?

That blue box was a pre-order bonus in Japan, called “Elements of The Last Story”, and contained the 7-track soundtrack CD and visual book.

It seems to be the same stuff included in Europe's Limited Edition, but whether or not the same blue box will be inside, I don't know. I'm guessing not.

SirLink said:
especially the clock design with those roman numerals from I to X representing 'certain' games.

That's pretty interesting, I didn't notice that right away. I was trying to work out if it represented Sakuguchi and Uematsu's last FF games as core parts of the team, but no - both guys had big parts up to FFXI, as Executive Producer and Composer, respectively. I thought with the mention of both of their names on the front, it might have been a little nod to them and the last FFs they worked on together.

I guess it must have another meaning, or it's just a little bit of a throwback.

Jay (guest) 11.01.2012#15

That's pretty interesting, I didn't notice that right away. I was trying to work out if it represented Sakuguchi and Uematsu's last FF games as core parts of the team, but no - both guys had big parts up to FFXI, as Executive Producer and Composer, respectively. I thought with the mention of both of their names on the front, it might have been a little nod to them and the last FFs they worked on together.

I don't think they count FFXI

Jay (guest) said:
I don't think they count FFXI

I was thinking that, but Sakaguchi came up with the idea for FFXI Online, so it could go either way. Who knows what he thinks?

Our member of the week

EdEN said:
Wonder if Wii U will upscale Wii games to 720p+

I think there were talks about that at last E3, and from what I recall, it was mentioned that Wii games would NOT be upscaled, because the hardware would run them in a "compatibility" mode, to ensure that all games run 100% identical to how they ran on the Wii, with zero differences (meaning no incompatibilities whatsoever). You can still play them on the Wii U controller directly though, from what I remember, with the buttons and circle pads acting like a Classic Controller (PRO).

Take these informations with caution though, this is just how I remember it. If anyone can confirm this, that'd be great.

( Edited 11.01.2012 20:24 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

No upscaling was confirmed. Didn't know you could play Wii games on the controller, but great if you can for classic controller games. Motion games, dunno how that would function well.

( Edited 11.01.2012 20:31 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
That blue box was a pre-order bonus in Japan, called “Elements of The Last Story”, and contained the 7-track soundtrack CD and visual book.

It seems to be the same stuff included in Europe's Limited Edition, but whether or not the same blue box will be inside, I don't know. I'm guessing not.

The actual game box has a reverse cover that features that blue art if that counts.Smilie

Ah, very true! Forgot all about that.

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
No upscaling was confirmed. Didn't know you could play Wii games on the controller, but great if you can for classic controller games. Motion games, dunno how that would function well.

There was a video showing someone playing Wii Fit Plus, standing on the balance board while holding the Wii U controller in hand, which displayed the gameplay, advertising that it made it easier to control your weight everyday, or something along those lines.

Can't find the video now, so take that with caution, I'm trying to track down that info. I won't believe it's true myself until i can find that again.

( Edited 11.01.2012 21:55 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I can see Wii Fit Plus working for it. How would it initially start up though? Would you need to boot the game up on the Wii U system first, then transfer to the pad? Or is it bootable from the pad itself - which makes more sense? Otherwise, I don't see the point. Off topic, I know, but I guess there's plenty to learn yet about the system. None of it appeals to me though.

Our member of the week

Here in that trailer :

I don't remember any talks of a wii fit for wii u being shown at E3 2011, so my guess is that the game shown is one of the "Wii Fits" running on the controller itself. Would make sense since it says "free from TV" right when it shows this exact game.

I'd imagine you can launch any game from the controller itself, yeah.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I thought it was a new Wii Fit game.

Anyway, can't wait to get The Last Story, won't be getting the special edition though.

( Edited 11.01.2012 22:08 by Stulaw )

My guess is it's perhaps a new Fit designed for Wii U in mind. It could well be one of the Wii's Fit games just as much, but I wouldn't put it past them to make another one for Wii U specifically.

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