New Console Zelda Within 3 Years?

By Az Elias 26.11.2011 13

New Console Zelda Within 3 Years? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

We've only just had the release of Skyward Sword and already there is talk about the next iteration in the Legend of Zelda series. In a recent Iwata Asks on the Wii game with producer Eiji Aonuma and director Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata briefly mentioned the long development time and asked the pair to deliver the next Zelda console game earlier.

Iwata: Your struggle night and day continues but now faced with an even higher hurdle. (laughs)

Aonuma: I really don't know what to do! (laughs) For the next one, if we will build on the methods we established this time, we might end up getting into a rut.

Fujibayashi: That's difficult. I'm thinking about the next game, too, and I feel like the hurdle is really high.

Aonuma: But there is a lot left that we didn't do this time.

Iwata: You have limited time and people, so there's bound to be something left over. But five years is a long time. (laughs) Can't you do it in three years next time?

Aonuma: Sorry! You're right! (laughs wryly)

Fujibayashi: Sorry, I'll think of something that can happen in three years!

Given that we saw the release of both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks between Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, it's obvious Iwata is talking about the next home console Legend of Zelda game, which will most definitely be on the Wii U. If we assume the console will release around this time next year, we could have a Zelda title on the system within the first couple of years of its launch.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





Action Adventure



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Yes please. This time around you don't have to spend so much time on developing the motion controls.

( Edited 07.04.2013 15:09 by Guest )

Our member of the week

Fujibayashi: Sorry, I'll think of something that can happen in three years!

If it takes him two years to think about something, then we won't have it within three years lol. Frankly speaking, the time it'll take them to develop a HD experience should be longer so the time they won't have to spend on gameplay next time, they'll have to spend it on graphics so that doesn't change much.

( Edited 07.04.2013 15:09 by Guest )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I always worry when developers are given a time limit. I want a game to be as good as possible, not to be released as quickly as possible.

Didn't Miyamoto once say something like "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."?

That said I would like to see an HD Zelda soon. AND Majora's Mask was made in a year, it's still my favourite Zelda.

( Edited 24.11.2012 18:08 by Guest )

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In before ocarina of time 3d is just ported to WiiU. Smilie Id love to see a new Zelda on it's way for the WiiU, gonna start needing things to look forward to for it.

( Edited 24.11.2012 18:08 by Guest )

3 is too short by far in this situation.

The only time short development has really worked for Zelda was with Majoras Mask....normaly it ruins it.

In this case Id hope for another controller revolution. Build on Skyward Sword by all means, but hopefully with improved hardware. Skyward Sword 1.5 would still be a great game, but not as good as new revolutionary one.

Given that we saw the release of both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks between Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword

Spirit Tracks was pretty terrible though, could have done with more time. Or capcom. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Spirit Tracks was far better than Phantom Hourglass.

Phantom Hourglass had SOME exploration, Spirit Tracks has nearly none.

You see....if you excuse the pun....the whole game is on rails. You go to destinations the track takes you and no where else. Sure, you can pick your route....and if your lucky you might find a rabbit for a collection....but thats hardly exploration. There's only one or two stations to "discover" that you arnt explicitly told about it and directed to go too.

For a Zelda having no exploration - thats unforgivable imho. Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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And still I enjoy ST a lot more than PH. That's probably because PH had the terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE central dungeon... But still, ST was a good Zelda game, it did so many things right.

Edit: I think I'll make a thread about that in the forum! PH vs ST!

( Edited 26.11.2011 14:35 by Canyarion )

Kafei2006 said:Fujibayashi: Sorry, I'll think of something that can happen in three years!
If it takes him two years to think about something, then we won't have it within three years lol. Frankly speaking, the time it'll take them to develop a HD experience should be longer so the time they won't have to spend on gameplay next time, they'll have to spend it on graphics so that doesn't change much.

It's quite possible they may work with Monolith again, which could speed things up, in addition to the fact the new office should be fully operational at the midway point of development. I think both the expansion and Nintendo's use of third parties should allow them to concentrate on Zelda WiiU and other games of such calibre. I know both Nintendo and Monolith have been doing R&D for some time in HD graphics, according to interviews I've read. Nintendo have been experimenting with new types of Shaders for upcoming WiiU titles. While Monolith have been experimenting while developing their own WiiU game. I get the impression both companies are looking at excelling in HD graphics as well as they have in SD to date. Monolith seem particularly concerned with facial animation, which is reassuring after XenoBlade Chronicles.

( Edited 26.11.2011 15:52 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I really don't want them to give themselves a deadline. I'd rather they took as long as possible to craft another amazing game.

I can understand them wanting to have another Zelda out for the WiiU pretty early in it's life though. They've got into a bit of a cycle of getting them finished at the end of their consoles life, which isn't ideal.

As others have said, I'd rather they take their time with it. Not only to make the game better, but because I quite like the fact that they don't release big games every year, or even every other year. It makes a new release more special.

They will likely re-release 'Skyward Sword U' on Wii U with improved motion controls and the inventory on that pad thing.

Maybe kick up the graphics a bit, we already know from Dolphin that you can run it to look better than it is.

There's no way they're going to put the inventory on the Upad. They're really happy with the current inventory and I agree with them.
You'd rather put down your Wiimote+nunchuck to grab the pad and select a weapon? Smilie

I do want them to make a Zelda faster. It doesn't have to mean less quality, not if they put more people on the team. So many companies pump out a new game every year. And Nintendo will figure out HD graphics.

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