Like Zelda? Support the Fan Zelda Marathon

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.11.2011 3

Like Zelda? Support the Fan Zelda Marathon on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With just over a week to go for the release of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, fans from the UK are about to embark on Link's biggest quest yet.

Based in Bournemouth, a dedicated group of gamers have gotten together to take part in a week long Zelda Marathon fundraiser for GamesAid - a UK charity that supports various causes including children's charities, education, health and social welfare.

Starting from the very first Legend of Zelda game released back in 1987, the team will attempt to conquer all the original releases within the franchise's 25 year history - including the likes of the sublime Link to the Past, fan favourite Ocarina of Time and even the hilarious Link: The Faces of Evil is destined to make an appearance.

All the action will be viewable online through uStream, with viewers able to join in - adding levels/dungeons to the list by donating to the cause.

Link is due to wander into his first cave, wield the Master Sword and blaze out an Ocarina tune from 10am GMT Friday 11th November.

For more details see Zelda Games Aid.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





Action Adventure



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Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (28 Votes)

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That's pretty awesome. I wonder if games like Modern Warfare would attract the crowd for this.

It's nice to see a bunch of Zelda fans doing this. I mean, they could do a marathon of Zelda games that wouldn't mean anything, but they're actually doing it for charity and that's great. Smilie

Mush123 said:
It's nice to see a bunch of Zelda fans doing this. I mean, they could do a marathon of Zelda games that wouldn't mean anything, but they're actually doing it for charity and that's great. Smilie

Well I dunno. Unless they're contributing to the charity themselves I don't see that they're doing much admirable.
It's the people that contribute to charity that should be applauded, not the people who say "hey, I'm doing this really fun thing...for charity".

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