Level-5 Scores New Inazuma Eleven Games for Wii, 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.10.2011

Level-5 Scores New Inazuma Eleven Games for Wii, 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Level-5 revealed the new details on forthcoming Inazuma Eleven games during the Vision convention in Japan yesterday.

Inazuma Eleven is going for its second Wii run with an updated version of Inazuma Eleven Strikers and it's going to be more Xtreme with newer characters and skills featured in the animé series. There's also the ability to up the ante with transformation shots, akin to Mario Strikers Charged.


Level-5 also lifted the lid on a new arcade unit dubbed "Level-5 Station". The new platform includes a swanky 32" monitor, onboard Wi-Fi and support for IC cards to carry save data. Players will be able to have a go on Xtreme and wirelessly receive data for various Level-6 games in arcades and retailers.

Image for Level-5 Scores New Inazuma Eleven Games for Wii, 3DS
Image for Level-5 Scores New Inazuma Eleven Games for Wii, 3DS

The show also explored the new 3DS entry, Inazuma Eleven Go Shine/Dark. As previously announced there will be two editions - following two very distinctive protagonists who each get their own original story. There'll even have different...wives!

Box art for Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme








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