Nintendo 3DS Tickled Pink, Mystic Pink

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2011 6

Nintendo 3DS Tickled Pink, Mystic Pink on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It wouldn't be a Nintendo conference without plans to release a new colour on the market, and this time it's a pink palette.

Alongside the various 3DS games on show today, Nintendo also announced plans to re-ignite the hardware side of affairs with a new 3DS model that's been bathed in pink. Much like the recently confirmed Metallic Rose DSi XL, the new 3DS flavour is intended to draw more ladies to Nintendo's pocket-friendly hardware, partly due to statistics showing that it's currently a more male-dominated platform.

October 20th is the day to go pink if you're in Japan, and it will cost you the standard 15,000 Yen to do so.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Tickled Pink, Mystic Pink

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Squidboy (guest) 13.09.2011#1

The Pink version of the Lite sold for hundreds of dollars/pounds at certain times, the female and gay fasionistas went crazy for them. I expect they'll love this more with it's touch of black... I may buy one for when stocks are low to sell online.

Can't say I'm excited for this, but I was surprised Nintendo announced a new color so soon after the red edition was released.

From a business perspective, I see this not so much a strategy to boost a female fanbase as it is message to shareholders and developers. "Yeah, we cut the price drastically, but we're still backing our brand to the grave."

Nintendo has been taking names and doing whatever it damn well pleases lately... when did they become American? Smilie

Jman (guest) 13.09.2011#3

Looks like a makeup case.

awww ffs... i wanted pink, i hate the blue one but wanted a colour than boring black, FFS nintendo stop screwing me over.

Instead of the stylus holder, it should come with a lipstick holder. And instead of a touchscreen on the bottom, there should be a mirror.

Grace (guest) 14.01.2012#6

LOVE IT I WANT ONE SO BADjavascript:smilie('Smilie','post_text'Smilie

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