Nintendo Reveals Second Analogue Stick for 3DS

By Shane Jury 07.09.2011 45

Nintendo Reveals Second Analogue Stick for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ahead of the September 13th media showing where Nintendo are set to announce new 3DS games, this week's copy of Japanese mag Famitsu has the scoop on what seems to be a rather bulky add-on for Nintendo's newest portable, turning it into a dual-stick device.

The cradle is reported to add not only the Analogue Stick, but also 3 new shoulder buttons (covering the right trigger with a new one), and an earphone port at the bottom.

Speculation stemming from the marks inside the cradle suggest that it will also house an extra battery (whether one that is sold separately or built in), and more interestingly, upgraded wireless features, which with all the extra buttons might make the machine a viable alterative to the Wii U Tablet Controller.

Image for Nintendo Reveals Second Analogue Stick for 3DS

The Cradle was revealed right next to Monster Hunter 3G for 3DS which will almost certainly use it; it isn't clear whether the device is primarly intended for that game, but with Nintendo's Classic Controller Pro for the original Tri, it would be safe to assume so.

How do you feel about this announcement? Should Nintendo have included another stick from the start or do you believe it isn't really needed?

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"it isn't clear whether the device is primarly intended for that game, but with Nintendo's Classic Controller Pro for the original Tri, it would be safe to assume so."

The Classic Controller Pro was just a slightly different version of a controller that had already existed for years.

Also, the Classic Controller Pro was not primarily intended for just Tri.

Is there any confirmation that this is being made by Nintendo?

It wouldn't be the first time that a third-party created such an accessory. Activision made the Guitar add-on.

A lot of people on other sites are complaining about this attachment. I for one welcome it if it adds to the overall experience the 3DS provides. Sure I wish all of these things were addressed before the 3DS was first launched, but it's not how things went. Any who, I'm sure that leftys will appreciate this in some form and I totally am looking forward to playing Monster Hunter Tri G with it! Smilie

Also, I'm sure it will not be necessary to have this attachment, and even if you get it, I'm sure it's easily removable if you don't want to use it all the time.

Sonic_13 said:
"it isn't clear whether the device is primarly intended for that game, but with Nintendo's Classic Controller Pro for the original Tri, it would be safe to assume so."

The Classic Controller Pro was just a slightly different version of a controller that had already existed for years.

Also, the Classic Controller Pro was not primarily intended for just Tri.

Yup, but it was given a button remapping and grips at Capcom's request and included with Tri; this cradle might have been made under the same influence. Whether Nintendo will be using it for future games is very much up in the air right now.

And if a lot of games are announced that use it, you can bet your hide there'll be a complete unit redesign next year (showing one now would cannibalize 3DS Christmas sales as it wouldn't be ready that quickly).

Edit: Seems to be a Nintendo accessory, but no thorough confirmation just yet.

( Edited 07.09.2011 08:04 by Phoenixus )

Phoenixus said:
Yup, but it was given a button remapping and grips at Capcom's request and included with Tri;

Except for the relocation of two shoulder buttons, the two controllers are exactly the same (see spoiler). Nothing was added that fundamentally changed the controls like this will.

True enough. The Classic Controller never really needed that Pro version though. And its inclusion with a Wii game (a console that Nintendo wished developers would adapt to its motion sensor wand when making games as its main selling point) suggests special circumstances.
Purely theoretical for now though, we'll have to see what comes of this.

Personally, I'm not too fussed if this does become standard for a few games. that guy in the scan doesn't look like he's having too much trouble with it. And I use my 3DS primarily at home anyway. Smilie

What an ugly peripheral. If the rumours are true its another add on for one game. Why cant Monster hunter adapt to the interface of the 3DS as it stands. Is that team so unimaginative that all they can do is rerelease the same game over and over with very minor changes.

Looks uncomfortable, but I've got big hands what do I have to worry about, would be great if this was the reason Kid Icarus was delayed in some ways.

And @ Sonic_13, that wasn't Phoenixus' point, it was designed with Capcom's influence, there doesn't need to be a functionality change for a redesign. This is also probably Capcoms influence, just this time it is a slight functionality change.

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Hmmm, I'm not sure what to say about this right now. I'm too happy about the MH3G announcement that I don't feel like complaining/moaning/whatever. I have some thoughts on this though.

Is it going to replace the charge cradle we have right now? Hard to tell from those tiny screens. Since there are extra shoulder buttons as well, how would they make a 3DS revision like that without making it rather bulky as well?

Been thinking about that. They could position the triggers like the CC Pro - lined up along the top instead of one row and then another - or they could put them along the back like with the Vita's touchpad.

Squidboy (guest) 07.09.2011#11

Correction: I meant to say further apart on the Analogue sticks, not close together like the CC.

Capcom made a stick-on D-paf for the PSP's back in the day...

Squidboy (guest) 07.09.2011#12

Lob-sided crap.

@ Sonic 13

Do you even own a CC Pro? The CC Pro features an entirely new D-Pad housing, and a new D- Pad. The Analogue sticks are tighter and closer together.

Eh, I have a really bad imagination when it comes to hardware. Smilie Can't imagine how that would work out.

I'm just going to say right here that I'm staying fairly indifferent on this for now until we hear more, like if it's going to be used with a lot of future games or just for games that need it/want it, like MH3G.

Looking forward to watching the media terror this is going to cause though. Smilie

Our member of the week

How do I feel about this ? Well it will never fit in the pouch that I bought specifically so I could carry around my Nintendo 3DS without it being damaged. and the 3DS with this... "thing" tacked on won't fit in my pocket either.

Now I fear that it becomes a compulsory accessory for a lot of games. I hope not Smilie. But you can bet that later on - but not so soon so that early adopters don't feel screwed - a new redesigned model integrating the second circle pad will come out, that's a given now

And there's more reason for people who were still holding out, despite the price drop, to continue to do so until the better model is eventually unleashed.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

How can Nintendo be proud of this? This is the kind of move they would pull 15 years ago on Nintendo 64 owners "oh if you want to play Majoras Mask you gona have to buy the extra memory" or "you want to play wii sports resort, you need the wii motion plus... but we will screw you over anyways cause we will have a brand new controller which will have motion inside it"

See thats what Nintendo have always done, they seriously need to think about the design of the console before they let it out, give it to other developers see what they think, in this instance for example, lets just say Nintendo gave the 3DS model to Capcom before it was launched and Capcom said "We very much like the console it will be great for the new Monster Hunter game but only problem we have is there is no second analogue stick, any chance of adding that" with that there is a possibility of change in the console, its bit like beta testing a game before its released. Don't think Nintendo actually do all those things.

As for that attachment itself, it's a complete waste of plastic, I wouldn't buy it knowning they have a new 3DS console on the way with it already built in. I'd be very disappointed in Nintendo if that happens, a console revision so soon, not even a year. This has made me rethink buying the WiiU at launch now.

( Edited 07.09.2011 10:25 by Irfy )

Our member of the week

Know what I think ? This would be a far more acceptable solution if they integrated an additional battery inside this thing, prolonging the battery life of the console (totally plausible since it plugs into the charger port).

THAT might make me consider getting it.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Know what I think ? This would be a far more acceptable solution if they integrated an additional battery inside this thing, prolonging the battery life of the console (totally plausible since it plugs into the charger port).

THAT might make me consider getting it.

Considering how bulky that thing looks, you never know it might have a battery and rumble!

Loads of people complaining about this on Silicon Era and IGN already, I just thought, it won't be that uncomfortable and it'll be more comfortable in some circumstances because it makes the 3DS more rounded, but the size definitely wouldn't fit in normal pockets (although it'll definitely fit in my tracksuit pockets).

Overall I'd rather just play the thing first, it might be better than what people think.

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Squidboy (guest) 07.09.2011#19

The more I look at this, the more I'm angered, It's a mess... Am I happy the 3DS now has Dual Analogue?, yes, absolutely. Am I happy that it's come about like this?, hell no... This product only confirms what I've always thought about the 3DS, that being that it's terribly designed, and in part intentionally so. It was rushed out to beat Vita in securing an eager audience. Vita launched with the exact tools a handheld gaming device in this age demands, because developers demanded it. Nintendo clearly didn't listen to them until it was too late. Everything this product has, is everything 3DS should have had built-in.

While they're at the planning stage, they should include another D-pad on the left hand side and create symmetry akin to WiiU's controller. The current 3DS D-Pad is the second worst I've ever experienced on a Nintendo product (VB was the worst) My D-pad is stiff, squeaky and sharp, it's also very badly positioned for some games and causes my hand to cramp.

If this makes it a alternative WiiU controll that actualy makes good sense and a smart idea.

But as standard 3DS add-on we are all expected to get ? No, its terrible.

Theres also a big difference between this and other add-ons Nintendo has done (N64 memory and Motion Plus) - those two really couldn't have been done at the time of release for reasonable cost. The tech needed to become avaliable &or fall in price.

This, however, is them whimping out on their original design. WHICH WAS FINE.
The 3DS was flexible enough to handel dozens of genre's and game types already. Dual Analogue targets specific ones. It means we get more console like games, and less DS type ones - that doesnt nesscerly mean they are better.

Thats IF its meant to be a standard add-on. If its game specific, or for WiiU use, then I have nothing against it. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
If this makes it a alternative WiiU controll that actualy makes good sense and a smart idea.

But as standard 3DS add-on we are all expected to get ? No, its terrible.

Theres also a big difference between this and other add-ons Nintendo has done (N64 memory and Motion Plus) - those two really couldn't have been done at the time of release for reasonable cost. The tech needed to become avaliable &or fall in price.

This, however, is them whimping out on their original design. WHICH WAS FINE.
The 3DS was flexible enough to handel dozens of genre's and game types already. Dual Analogue targets specific ones. It means we get more console like games, and less DS type ones - that doesnt nesscerly mean they are better.

Thats IF its meant to be a standard add-on. If its game specific, or for WiiU use, then I have nothing against it.

The 3DS as a second wii u remote is not a good solution. Its considerably smaller and has a poor resolution. Its two screens that are asymmetric. Only one screen is touch.

Game specific peripherals in the past were cool. But with nintendo its gone past the line of over done.

Nintendo rushed the product without having the right conversations with the right devs.

They also shouldnt put products out that are half done just because the tech isnt quite there. The whole idea of motion controls is completetly tarred for the future simply because the wii remote is so incapable of anything meaningful.

Jman (guest) 07.09.2011#22

*sigh* I have mixed feelings about this.
On one hand, as a PSP owner I more than understood how much better some of the games would've been with a second nub. Sony listened to developers and included it on Vita, which was a HUGE plus to me.
It puzzled me that Nintendo was so shortsighted as to not include two nubs on the 3DS. It certainly would give Vita a big advantage, as Vita would easily have the better playing games, regardless of what anyone thinks.
So now 3DS is getting a second nub, and it's going to be great for us 3DS owners. But at this point I'm a little tired of seeing Nintendo fumble around with this thing. The whole 3DS existence has been one big trial and error experiment, and I'm tired of it. Nintendo should've gotten this thing right before it launched, and the next thing in need of an overhaul is the crappy E-shop.
But anyways, this thing is a MONSTROSITY!! I've already heard it was rumored to be coming, but I had no idea, it would turn my portable 3DS into a laptop. Forget putting this thing in your pocket, which kills Streetpassing.
And once AGAIN, none to happy that early adopters are getting the crappy end of the stick. I've lost whatever faith I've had in Nintendo to deliver a product right. After the 3DS debacle, and the early demise of Wii, I will NOT be in line to purchase a U until they're done fumbling around with it.

Urgh, Looks horrible.
Also, the analogue stick is in completely the wrong place for conventional play....Are they trying to screw with years of gamers? Look at the Wii U with the buttons below the analogue stick. *sigh*

I also wonder if this was why metal gear solid was delayed...

( Edited 07.09.2011 14:19 by Echoes221 )

Squidboy (guest) said:
Do you even own a CC Pro? ... The Analogue sticks are tighter and closer together.

No, I don't, but from every picture I've seen the analog sticks are further apart, not closer together.

Echoes221 said:
Urgh, Looks horrible.
Also, the analogue stick is in completely the wrong place for conventional play....Are they trying to screw with years of gamers? Look at the Wii U with the buttons below the analogue stick. *sigh*

I also wonder if this was why metal gear solid was delayed...

I think the version they using for Metal Gear Solid 3 is Snake Eater and not Subsistence, so the free camera isn't available and for moving around in first person would be using the gyroscope.

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