Surprise Omission in Zelda Skyward Sword

By Stuart Lawrence 23.07.2011 14

Surprise Omission in Zelda Skyward Sword on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Spoiler Incoming -
Read at your Peril!

In an interview with Nintendo Power, Eiji Aonuma has revealed that Ganon, and his alter ego Gannondorf will not be appearing in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

The reason for his absence was explained that since the game is based before Ocarina of Time and takes place during the creation of the Master Sword which Link usually uses to defeat his foe.

As far as the story itself is concerned, one big point that makes it a very different experience is that in most Zelda games, the Master Sword has been something that Link seeks out, finds, and uses to destroy Ganon. This time around, it’s more centred on the creation of the Master Sword, the way it was born, so to speak. Link kind of forges it along the way. It’s more centred on that, which is a different pattern than we have had in a lot of ways.

Yes, that’s right. Ganon typically appears in a Zelda game when the story is centred around the Triforce. This time around, the Triforce sort of takes on a different meaning and plays a different role in the story. So because of that, Ganon will not appear

Eiji Aonuma: Director and Producer at Nintendo EAD

When asked about the design of the new antagonist, Lord Ghirahim being related to Vaati from the Minish Cap and Four Swords, he responded:

Well, the director on the project this time around is Mr. Fujibayashi, who also worked on Minish Cap. Perhaps there’s something about Mr. Fujibayashi’s sensibilities in regards to design that might have influenced both characters. But beyond that, I don’t think so.

You can read the full interview here.

What do you think of Ganon not being in a console Zelda this time around? What do you feel about the new Antagonist?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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Hate to be the one to have to ask this, but I'm trying to avoid as much Skyward Sword info as possible by visiting only this site and avoiding the forum thread and other websites and stuff. I'm kindly asking, is it okay if future SS info isn't spoiled in the headlines and subtext below it? I know this one isn't as major a spoiler as other info that has (and will) come out before the game's release, but even so, I want to do my best to close myself off from this game.

In the past, some SS info has had a spoiler before asking users to click the news article, so I was confident I could continue browsing Cubed3 in the knowledge that I will be safe from all future SS info. But then this happened, which makes me worried for future info now too.

Completely understand that you want to get people on the site and clicking away, but I feel that a Zelda game of this magnitude is a very special case, and I know I'm not the only one who is on a blackout of this game.

Hopefully others will agree with me? Again, not to be a prick or anything, it's just something I'm throwing out there. I just think a different headline could have been used out of consideration for those on a SS blackout, like "Skyward Sword antagonist info revealed", instead of what we got.

Hope you consider it for future info, guys. Cheers.

I already talked with Azuardo about this and I feel exactly the same. Couldn't have said it better. I would really appreciate it as well if you could do us a favour here and handle it the way Azuardo suggested. Smilie

So Ganon is in the unemployment land like most of us Smilie

I was quite surprised by this...

How does the title change suit you guys? I'm sure news posters can bear this in mind Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Thats a better title change, should have spoiler alert red under the subtitle.

Like the above?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

It's a better title, but still kind of gives it away if you think about it, especially considering the subtext below the headline on the main page. It still pretty much makes you think Ganon isn't in it. And I know people will say 'isn't it obvious after what's been revealed of the game anyway?' Well, two things: maybe they've avoided everything Skyward Sword so far, or maybe it was similar to Twilight Princess where

Now though, we know we won't be getting what happened with TP.

You can still have a headline just saying 'antagonist info is revealed' and keep it safe, added with 'spoiler alert' in the subtext. Then of course the people interested in the antagonist info will click it, and those on a blackout will know to stay away. As it is, people on a blackout don't have a choice.

And I know I wouldn't get away with suggesting this on a bigger site like IGN. But the smaller community of C3 and knowing that I'm not alone in this thought gives me hope that we can have a compromise for this kind of stuff in the future. I probably wouldn't normally ask, but I've noticed C3 generally hasn't been much of a spoiler kind of site, which is a good thing so of course hasn't caused me to ask this before. But after this one, and hearing that other sites have spoilt recent SS info in headlines too, it makes me worried for future info. So I'm hoping I can still count on C3 to deliver on spoiler-free headlines and continue to visit the site.

That's just me, but I know others think the same as I do.

What else can be changed? The title doesn't give anything away - it could be ANYTHING from the series that's been missed out, such as Link Smilie The front page text has been changed, and it now says spoiler alert in the story itself.

Anything else that needs amending? Smilie

Anyway, Az, what are you doing as your next C3 Preview Smilie Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

It's alright; now that the subtext's been changed, it doesn't suggest anything about enemies or friendlies, which of course doesn't give anything away. So thanks for taking the time to do that.

As for previews, I'm not 100% sure, pal, but from the very narrow choices available, I'm thinking Last Story, if no one else has it in mind. I've got access to the JP version and being a Final Fantasy fan should give me good incentive. I could always look into that in the near future? But otherwise, I don't have many other ideas, so suggestions welcome.

Last Story would be fantastic Smilie Do you want me to drum up a list of potentials and email it across for you to pick and choose from? You'll see recently I did Senran Kagura and Fortune Street just from random info released so far, so maybe tackle other info-heavy games, like Atlus' DS RPG, Nora and the Time Studio from the Etrian Odyssey team or something like that Smilie Theatrhythm?

Anyway, back on topic - the fact that people from Minish Cap are involved with Skyward Sword might explain why I enjoyed playing the demo of SS more than my time with TP...!

( Edited 24.07.2011 19:24 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yeah, definitely email stuff over and I'll get back to you, cheers!

I didn't even read the story - just the headline - and I think most people can easily guess that it's Tingle who will be omitted. I know fans were requesting it, but I am kinda disappointed.

Might have to cancel my pre-order because of this...

Squidboy (guest) 25.07.2011#13

He's weird, but cool. I like how he'll display more of his power as you progress through the game. I like running battles.

Step in the right direction if you ask me, they are trying to shake the tried and tested story up a bit which is all good in my books. Nintendo know what they are doing so we are in for a decent story Smilie

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