E311 Media | Zelda Tech Demo Reel for Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.06.2011 5

E311 Media | Zelda Tech Demo Reel for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As part of the Wii U announcement at E3 Nintendo revealed a short tech demo of what the hardware can produce.

The answer: a rather gorgeous image of what fans can expect an HD Zelda adventure to look like. Look in awe as hero Link combats a devious spider in breath taking high definition detail, whilst the Wii U controller displays an inventory screen at the same time.

Alternatively the action can be completely displayed on the controller if someone's desperately wanting to hog the television.


Nintendo also shared extended footage from the Zelda Wii U tech trailer on the show floor - snapped on camera by IGN. The Nintendo fan's wet dream made real:

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild





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This link makes the video blurry but I saw the much clearer and longer tech demo on ign.com at least 4 times and it is easy to say that the graphical engine made a huge jump forward from the Wii and can also maintain that "Nintendo Feel" to it with the Mii games that are coming out as well. Zelda looks great so far and the controller, though box-like, does look comfortable. Knowing Nintendo, they always have the most unique designs for hardware but somehow always maintain the perfect level of comfort for all gamers. Let's just hope the "Nintendo Wii U" can support more than one tablet controller at a time.

Mamoon Hindi
Will Be

I know this is basically a souped-up version of Twilight Princess, but if Zelda Wii U (wow, it feels weird saying that) looks anything like that, we are in for a treat.

The new items/dungeon possibilities with the new controller are mind-blowing.

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

I kind of can't get my head around it. It looks so damn good.

Does the fact that you can change the lighting and camera angles in real time suggest this is exactly the kind of in-game graphics we can experience when actually playing the game?

If it is, I'm hyped.

Azuardo said:
I kind of can't get my head around it. It looks so damn good.

Does the fact that you can change the lighting and camera angles in real time suggest this is exactly the kind of in-game graphics we can experience when actually playing the game?

If it is, I'm hyped.

It must be if it's actually running on hardware and not on a PC or something like that (I don't think Nintendo does that). The reflections and bloom lighting are all beautiful, better than stuff I've seen on PS3.

This really should have been what we got back in 2006 however.

( Edited 08.06.2011 15:52 by Lynk )

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It must be if it's actually running on hardware and not on a PC or something like that (I don't think Nintendo does that). The reflections and bloom lighting are all beautiful, better than stuff I've seen on PS3.

This really should have been what we got back in 2006 however.

well you do need to remember Nintendo had a reason to not release a HD console, just yet. so think about it this way.... The Wii was to put their foot in the door, and the Wii U is to barge in.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

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