April Fool - New Nintendo 3DS Colours to Boost Sales

By 01.04.2011 32

April Fool - New Nintendo 3DS Colours to Boost Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

You've been fooled (...or not) This was one of our three April fools posted on April 1st. Nintendo will not be releasing these colours for 3DS, for now. Were you fooled? Do tell!


In response to reports of lower than expected first week sales of the Nintendo 3DS portable console across Europe since its release on 25th March, 2011, Nintendo has confirmed today that it will be fast-tracking the launch of various new colours. The new range, which launches today, 1st April, 2011, will include the following shades: Mario Fireball Red, Princess Peach Pink, Luigi Green, Waluigi Plum Purple, and Wario Royal Blue, as well as plans for a special golden unit that will launch alongside The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D in June.

An official Nintendo representative had the following to say on the matter:

Whilst there was a lot of pre-release hype for the new Nintendo 3DS unit, and the response from early adopters has indeed been extremely positive, the system has not quite penetrated the European market as well as expected, missing initial sales projections. It is hoped that between the new range of colours arriving on 1st April, 2011, and the special commemorative golden 3DS to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, this year will see 3DS surpass regular Nintendo DS sales. You would be an April Fool to miss out!

Image for April Fool - New Nintendo 3DS Colours to Boost Sales

Image for April Fool - New Nintendo 3DS Colours to Boost Sales

A promotional image of the special gold 3DS releasing to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, can be seen below.

Image for April Fool - New Nintendo 3DS Colours to Boost Sales

What are your thoughts on the new colours? Will you be picking up a 3DS now?

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"You would be an April Fool to miss out!" Smilie

Haha, good attempt, but no luck there. And those are some hideous colors. THe picture has a color not even shown with the other 5!

Our member of the week

The blue one looks a bit like my DS Phat Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Mr Anon (guest) 01.04.2011#4

Happy April Fools Day!

Finally we're able to talk about this! Nintendo kept a really strict embargo on these swanky new machines. So much for just black or aqua then! If I didn't have a 3DS, I'll definitely get a green model - it looks the sex!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

XCWarrior said:
Haha, good attempt, but no luck there. And those are some hideous colors. THe picture has a color not even shown with the other 5!

Really? I see all the colours from the story...

Some of those look so cool!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I'm really annoyed! if I had known Nintendo were going to release a red one, I would have waited.

Who the hell would want waluigi colour anything :B The "shadow the hedgehog" of the mario universe, also,

I wish they would release PINGAS YELLOW, that's my favourite.

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One thing's for sure, I'm glad I waited Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Getting Walugi Purple for sure.

Anyone else a bit angry that Wario's is not yellow? Nintendo seems to be slipping lately and I wouldn't be surprised to see them become a 3rd party iPhone developer in the next few years.

OMG that Purple one looks sick! WANT! Smilie

Ashley (guest) 01.04.2011#13

please can they make the 3ds suitable for kids

Yeah, I was having this until I saw the release date of April 1. That said, I wonder if they will do a limited edition 3DS to go with Zelda's 25th birthday.

I was reminded it was April 1st just a few minutes ago. Now I look at every article and feel that I cannot trust it. This one though looks very trust worthy. It has pictures, the colors have names, and there is a quote from Nintendo Europe. How could this possibly be fake?

If that green 3DS was real I would buy it, I don't care if I already have one. That colour is just awesome.

fools! (guest) 01.04.2011#17

Clearly an april fools joke

the gold picture is a fake, i have seen an original version of that picture in which the 3ds is actually blueSmilie

I HATE april 1st hehehe. I WOULD buy that golden one with Zelda just to pimp out my portables collection.

Haha, that's too good. My heart was racing for a second.

aj (guest) 01.04.2011#20

ha ha thats a good aprils fools joke.... good one! i checked and no such thing has been anounced by ''Nintendo representative''..

GREEN 3DS = the sex!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I don't think nintendo ever named a console's color after their own characters, unless it was for the release of a game. like a special edition.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out
3ds Dude (guest) 02.04.2011#23

Man, those are awesome. I got the blue at launch, so I'm not disappointed. It will be cool to see them later.

shadow man (guest) 03.04.2011#24

really why the fuck would they do this bullshit

#1sponge fan (guest) 03.04.2011#25

The purple one looks soooo awweesssooommmeee!!!!! I want it 4 my b-day nxt month!!!!!

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