LazyTown Video Game Still Coming

By Adam Riley 22.03.2011 7

LazyTown Video Game Still Coming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

LazyTown Entertainment has exclusively confirmed to Cubed3 that the video game version of the hit TV show is still alive. Back in 2007 it was hinted that LazyTown would be turned into a video game, and then it was confirmed for Nintendo DS and Wii in 2009. However, since that point everything went so quiet that many believed the fitness-related project had been cancelled. Cubed3 has been told that there are still plans for this idea to come to fruition, though.

It is correct that we were in negotiation with Rebellion/Redoubt for a development of a LazyTown video game concept for all the major gaming consoles with main focus on the Wii. However, due to their financial troubles, we pulled our rights back and are currently in discussions with other developers to develop motion controlled games for all platforms.
- Ingvaldur Einarsson, EVP Global Licensing.

Would you still like to see LazyTown appear on Wii, and do you think it could work well with the Nintendo 3DS system's motion capabilities?

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Omg, this stuff still exists? o.O

Our member of the week

Please someone burn her hideous pink wig XD

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer


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I lost interest in Lazy Town once I learned Stephanie's hair is actually a wig.

WTF, there seems to be a strong paedo vibe from many of the "Lazy Town" videos posted on Youtube.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

This show is very very creepy looking.

If I wanted puppetry give me a Rottentrolls game! <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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