More Four Swords please!
Lynk said:
meeto_0 said:
Anyone else been able to try out the 3DS at their local Game store. They had a console with one of those AR cards. I tried it out and was very impressed. But I was less impressed with the 3d. The two features do not work together at all! Moving around the arrow boards trying to get a shot just made the 3D collapse.
Like the wii remote the tech sounds good in theory but it isnt polished enough to be implemented properly. Graphics are a worry as well. The AR game looked on par to a PSP game. So far few games look better then the PSP
The 3D is only a problem when moving. When playing normal games, the 3D works fine. The graphics are also at least PSP standard. RE Mercenaries and SSFIV surpass anything I've seen on PSP.
The graphics are way,way,way more then PSP standard.
It really cant be judged by Nintendos own games.
(Capcom even managed to get a version of Re5 running on it!). The polygon counts might not be much better then the Wiis (if any), but the shaders, normal mapping, self-shadowing, motion blur etc are lightyears beyond what the Wii can do.
That said, I think when doing visual tracking with markers, that probably eats a fair amount of the CPU, and thus makes high graphics harder to pull of.
The point is, the 3D aspect is suppose to be one of the main selling points and it doesnt work with the other aspects of the 3DS.
"I cant use a touchscreen and hold all the DS's buttons at the same time!! Its worthless!"
Stupid complaint. Just because you cant use all the features at once doesnt make any feature worthless due to that fact.
Also, fyi, no autosteroscopic screen will work while your head is moving. None of them. It has to project a different image into each eye and that cant be done if you move. Theres no weakpoint with Nintendo here, every phone, laptop and tv screen released over the next decade will have the same problem.
(which is why with TV's polarised glasse's is the better choice).
The tech might one day be solved with true 4D volemetrix screens, but thats a long long way off.
( Edited 07.03.2011 22:02 by Darkflame )