Spyro Reboot = Action Figures Transported into the Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.02.2011 21

Spyro Reboot = Action Figures Transported into the Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever wanted your favourite toys to come to life in the video game world? Activision has the answer with the new Spyro the Dragon reboot.

Introducing Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure - a game that's part action/platformer and part figure collecting. Usually you'd have toys and merchandise to go alongside a game, but this time Activision want the toys to become the game, with the series of 32 collectable action figures "transported" into the game, each with their own array of deadly abilities.

Image for Spyro Reboot = Action Figures Transported into the Game

To do this, simply pop your chosen Spyro toy onto a plastic "portal" stand and voila!

The project also has some key talent onboard, including the character designer for Shrek, Tom Hester, screenwriters Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen of Toy Story fame and the chap who composed the score for Inception, Hans Zimmer.


These are more than action figures. They are inter-action figures. By pairing world class character design, world class video game design and world class story telling into one entertainment experience, we’ve given players a whole new genre that bridges the gap between the real and virtual worlds.

Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure will be available on Wii, 3DS, DS, Xbox 360, PS3 and other mobile/portable devices.

For more information, visit the Official Skylanders Website.

What do you think of the Skylanders concept? Are you a fan of Spyro the Dragon - what do you think of the new look?

Box art for Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure

Vicarious Visions




3D Platformer



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I wish Insomniac never stopped making Spyro games. I totally loved the original trilogy on the Playstation back in the day but after that, Spyro got handed from studio to studio and the games just kept getting worse and worse. I have the two Gamecube games, one was ok and the other one pretty good. The Wii game I have has got to be one of the most awful games I've ever played. Spyro really deserves much better than that.

The new look of Spyro is sure to disgust everyone who loved the old Spyro games. He looks like he could be the antagonist himself, I mean really? And kids are supposed to like that? What the hell were they thinking?

You're not allowed to play the game if you don't have any action figures...

So activision stop guitar hero and its plastic controllers and instead, make you buy action figures in order to play a game? Great.

What the fuck happened to Spyro's face?

Oh how far non Nintendo video game mascots have fallen, Spyro, Crash, Sonic...

Jimmy2000 said:
What the fuck happened to Spyro?


Seriously, it's been shit since after Year of the Dragon. Same thing happened to Crash after Naughty Dog stopped making them.

bornforthis43 said:
Oh how far non Nintendo video game mascots have fallen, Spyro, Crash, Sonic...

The problem is that development has been moved around every other game, and so they no longer resemble what made the originals so great. Except Sonic, Sega just fucked that up.

Spyro and Crash were Universal IPs, not Sony. Once the agreements with ND/Insomniac were up, they passed them on to someone else as each wanted to develop new things.

( Edited 13.02.2011 19:33 by Lrrr )

Lrrr said:
Jimmy2000 said:
What the fuck happened to Spyro?


True lol Smilie

But still he did at least have a cute look up until now.
He just looks hideous in that picture like some Lord Of The Ring monster reject.

Though I remember them giving crash bandicoot tattoos at one point Smilie

The actual concept with the toys sound like it could be kind of cool, I'm sure kids are gonna be all over this.

( Edited 13.02.2011 19:54 by Jimmy2000 )

I've read that there'll be figure bundles/it'll at least come with 1 or 2 figures.

Looks really weird, not quite the cutesy Spyro that we used to know! Cool concept, definitely see $s in Activision's eyes - cheaper to produce, more collectable appeal than Guitar/DJ Hero, and can work with kids too.

( Edited 13.02.2011 20:47 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


I'd accept it if they replaced that horrible attempt at drawing Spyro with something not Spyro, but not this.

( Edited 14.02.2011 05:12 by PK Mongoose )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Don't dismiss it too quick; Toy Story writters + Hans Zimmer doing the music.

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Darkflame said:
Don't dismiss it too quick; Toy Story writters + Hans Zimmer doing the music.

I doubt that a great story and great music would help people get over the fact that Spyro looks like some deformed lizard and that the main gameplay revolves around action figures that you have to buy in order to play the game. You can clearly see Activision's $.$ eyes behind that. Whatever happened to playable characters included in the game?

Darkflame said:
Don't dismiss it too quick; Toy Story writters

Two of the four writers of Toy Story.

Lets see what some of their other great films are: Cheaper by the Dozen, Garfield, Garfield 2, Evan Almighty, Daddy Day Camp...oh, wait. They're all shit (granted I haven't seen a couple of there other films, but this list doesn't exactly inspire confidence). If it were Joss Whedon and Andrew Stanton, the other two writers, I'd be infinitely more excited.

Plus having 2 out of 3 components in a a game does not make it good. The story can be good and all, but if the gameplay, the stuff that really matters, is shit, it will still be a shit game

( Edited 14.02.2011 12:43 by Lrrr )

Did Spyro get hit in the face with a plank of wood repeatedly? This looks a VERY bland game which is clinging to some gimic of bring toys to life, so what do i need to do this? assuming its using cameras on the HD consoles, im also kinda doubting a Wii release, probably 3DS, i kinda doubt DS since all the preview showed was HD footage as usual. But maybe im giving too much credit and it'll be fucking codes on the base of the toys.

welshwuff said:
Did Spyro get hit in the face with a plank of wood repeatedly? This looks a VERY bland game which is clinging to some gimic of bring toys to life, so what do i need to do this? assuming its using cameras on the HD consoles, im also kinda doubting a Wii release, probably 3DS, i kinda doubt DS since all the preview showed was HD footage as usual. But maybe im giving too much credit and it'll be fucking codes on the base of the toys.

I think it's RFI chips, definitely not cameras

PK Mongoose said:

My thoughts exactly, what a retarded idea for a game, there is so much wrong about it that I don't even know where to start...

EDIT: Cheers for mutilating Spyro and in effect tarnishing my childhood. I will NEVER be able to look at him the same again...

( Edited 14.02.2011 17:46 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
Cheers for mutilating Spyro and in effect tarnishing my childhood. I will NEVER be able to look at him the same again...


I'm starting to think that Activision is trying everything to get every gamer possible hate them(if that's not already the case). Totally stomping on our childhood memories sure is an excellent way to get people pissed off.

They really can't tell me that they couldn't make this game a non Spyro game. It could just as well have been a new IP, but no, they just had to use Spyro to get more sales from the brand name and piss thousands of gamers off at the same time. Great job, Activision.

I just hope Activision get no where near Take Two

Fair point, I didnt look up which writers.
(didnt they at least do more pixar stuff? O_o)

Jimmy2000 said:
welshwuff said:
Did Spyro get hit in the face with a plank of wood repeatedly? This looks a VERY bland game which is clinging to some gimic of bring toys to life, so what do i need to do this? assuming its using cameras on the HD consoles, im also kinda doubting a Wii release, probably 3DS, i kinda doubt DS since all the preview showed was HD footage as usual. But maybe im giving too much credit and it'll be fucking codes on the base of the toys.

I think it's RFI chips, definitely not cameras

No games machine could pick up RFID's without a special doggle.

I don't see why it couldn't be camera's...but that would only be PSP,DSi,3DS,PSMove and Kinect covered.

Image recognition from a limited set isn't that hard though...hell, they could do it just by colour.

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magneticlemons (guest) 20.12.2011#19

I've never played the original Spyro games nor have I played this one, but I find it kind of pathetic that they're relying on some ridiculous toy gimmick to get sales. And some other people are complaining about Spyro's face? Again, I've never played any of his games, but he looks kind of scary to me.
Like, maybe if they took away those friggin' fangs and smoothed out his face, he'd be even cuter than before. But of course, that's just my opinion.

Guest 09.03.2015#20

Guest 09.03.2015#21

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