Animales de la Muerte Cancelled for Wii?

By 02.02.2011 5

Animales de la Muerte Cancelled for Wii? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a recent visit to IGN, High Voltage Software re-confirmed that Animales de la Muerte is still in development and the team plan to step up the production of it, now that the completion of The Conduit 2 is coming to an end. High Voltage also showed IGN a new trailer for the game, which apparently still showed plenty of blood, as well as keeping with cartoon styled visuals.

Originally, the game was planned to be released on Nintendo's download service, WiiWare. Now High Voltage have stated that it will now only be coming to Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network and also Steam. Has it been cancelled for the Wii? Eric Nofsinger, Chief Creative Officer at High Voltage, has said the game still has a possibility of coming to the platfornm.

It could very well be for WiiWare, as well. We did some WiiWare stuff (Gyrostarr and High Voltage Hot Rod Show) and it did okay. We didn't lose money on any of that. But I would say it wasn't encouraging enough that we would be doing a ton of stuff on WiiWare.

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My guess is that it will launch on 3DSware or maybe even as a 3DS retail game.

"Gyrostarr and High Voltage Hot Rod Show" lol maybe if you actually make proper games you will see proper sales ?

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

I'd say it's amazing they made a profit on those games considering no one even knew they existed.

Well given the fact that neither of those games were anything speical I doubt High Voltage can judge what'd happen accurately.

You guys need to make something AMAZING & THEN see if it fails. Both of those titles were mediocre at best so don't say you're suprised at poor sales for lame games.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'm just glad it's coming out at all. I'll be getting it off PSN, if I decide to get it.

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