Iwata: 3DS eStore, Browser in May, Not at Launch

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.01.2011 7

Iwata: 3DS eStore, Browser in May, Not at Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently confirmed that the first 3DS firmware update is due during May, rather than at launch.

Just a week ago a representative from Nintendo Europe had claimed that the additional software would be available as a download on day one. However this isn't the case as Iwata today confirmed that the additions, which also include the DSi->3DS transfer function, are out at the end of May "at almost the same time around the world".

The 3DS's software store will also offer demos and trailers like the Nintendo Channel, as well as 3DS software and virtual console releases - essentially the Wii Shopping Channel and Nintendo Channel's rather beautiful offspring.

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I read in another article that 3DS games bought over the eShop are transferable to other 3DS' such as future iterations of the console. I don't mind that the eShop is coming later, since it will give me time to earn more money for the Virtual Console games.

yay DSi -> 3DS function, i was hoping to hear that!

Not exactly related, but I wish he would announce the release of the red 3DS too.

I hope it doesnt offer demos like the nintendo channel. Otherwise there wont be anything to download.

These things should be preinstalled. Still struggling with online stuff.

meeto_0 said:
I hope it doesnt offer demos like the nintendo channel. Otherwise there wont be anything to download.

These things should be preinstalled. Still struggling with online stuff.

Struggling? No. Trying to rush out the 3DS before their fiscal year ends? Yes.

The utter insanity of Nintendo's current demo's is merely their temporary nature.
Idealy, I suppose, I'd like the 3DS to download and run software from anywhere (like Android phones can). However, to stop game piracy this way it could be limited to say,using only half the system Ram.
This would be a win-win solution imho. Homebrews could make stuff, Companies could host their own demos (saving Nintendo money), and none of it would help pirate commercial games.
Never happen though.

( Edited 29.01.2011 11:11 by Darkflame )

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Nintendo will probably never, ever unleash their systems to the wider app market, though I could possibly see a more controlled (with ridiculous moderation) free-for all app library... in the future.

The browser at the very least should have been available day 1 imo, tis a useful feature to have and to make known.

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