Zelda Wii Development Past Half Way Mark

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.12.2010 30

Zelda Wii Development Past Half Way Mark on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Legend of Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto recently revealed that development for the new game is over the half-way mark.

The Wii-exclusive adventure Skyward Sword is the first ground-up game from Nintendo for the Wii, promising a classic sword-wielding with new control mechanics tailor made for the Wii Remote and MotionPlus. We saw the game in action earlier this year at E3, and since then it seems that the project has come along nicely for the proposed 2011 launch.

In a meaty discussion with PocketLint, Miyamoto noted how the team are really drilling down the motion control and how he feels that Skyward Sword would be better than what players can expect from Microsoft's Kinect.

What we are focused on is creating gameplay mechanics so the gameplay experience feels very dense. In fact, the overall experience is going to feel more dense. We hope that people will want to go back and replay the game once they finish it.

What would you like to see in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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Great, that only took them 6 years.

I hope they try to mix it up a bit more. Twilight Princess played it far too safe which resulted in it feeling dated and boring.

Take more risks like Majora's Mask. Smilie

I'm pretty sure Nintendo said that they only needed to add a couple more dungeons. And also, they were talking about an early to mid 2010 launch. Then again, Zelda always gets delayed.

Considering the game was originally supposed to actually be out by now, you'd think they'd be a little farther along. If its taken them so long to pass the 50% mark, we're probably looking at Holiday 2011 at the earliest.

Ok, seriously, how long does it take to develop a Zelda game?!

"Do a Barrel Roll!"
darkflame (guest) 23.12.2010#6

Sounds good to me.
TP was my favorate Zelda but I agree it was far too safe. It was ultra-refined existing gameplay.

This time it needs to be different gameplay. I dont expect it to be as refined (and probably not as long Smilie ) but it should set us on a new path. Not just new controls, but new ways to use the items with he new controls too. Using the sword to solve puzzles, for instance. Bring some zack and wiki style physics into it. Make the landscape and the characters react dynamicly to changes. (Like Ghost-Trick does with its characters). Get rid of the fixed dungoen structure, make it all unpredictable. No gannon.

Theres so much that can be done while still at its core being Zelda. (which for me means exploration of a freeroaming world, and a diverse mix of puzzles and combat to do).

I, personally am glad it takes so long to make a Zelda game and I'm happy to wait. It shows they are putting a lot of effort into it and I don't want to have Zelda become a yearly release like some companies are doing with their franchises. In my eyes it would just devalue the franchise having one after another too freaquently.

Nintendo might aswell develop this game for the next console cause by the time they will release all the information about the system will be out and everyone will be excited about that... only thing driving this zelda game is the motion control, are still people excited about that? They could have added that to Twilight Princess, skyward sword doesnt really bring anything new...?

Ignore this post. Smilie

( Edited 24.12.2010 00:27 by Marzy )

I think it'll work better with WM+ controls, I've never had a problem with them.

And there was never a release date set, Iwata only said that he Hoped it would be out by early 2011.

And remember the important word is over half way done, that could mean that there 70-80% done.

( Edited 23.12.2010 11:30 by Stulaw )

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NNID: Stulaw

The wii line up for next year is looking a little thin. If Xenoblade, last story, zelda and kirby arrive that will make my year for ME. But I cant imagine everyone is going to want to play the same games as me. There isnt enough choice. A very persistant problem for nintendo and its consoles.

I have a feeling that the above games with the exception of kirby are not going to be spread out properly through the year. And why is there not one Pikmin image.

I thought this game would be 80% complete. Didnt they say a feb release?

meeto_0 said:

I thought this game would be 80% complete. Didnt they say a feb release?

Nope, pure speculation and hope from the media. There was never a release date.

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NNID: Stulaw

I can't wait for this. I reckon the controls are a great approach at changing the gameplay of Zelda. About GC/CC support, I think it isn't needed, yes I do think that standard gamepads are better for some games. But I nowhere near hate the Wii Remote and Nunchuck. I'd take them any day over Kinect. (PS Move.. well they're basically Wii Remote+ and Nunchuck on drugs. Smilie)

( Edited 23.12.2010 13:37 by Mush123 )

I hope they take their time with it and don't rush it out. It sounds like they're doing just that.

I would also like to use the GC controller, but hopefully Zelda will be able to convince me of the Wiimote's uses.

I would prefer if Nintendo used this as a launch title for the next system but I wouldn't complain if they decided release for Wii.

For me I think Nintendo should take their time with Zelda, as with the other core franchises, because these are the games that we all define Nintendo by and as such if this one was rushed and not up to standard these boards would be buzzing with the sound of "Nintendo shouldn't have rushed it". So in that sense I'm happy they are taking their time at least we are going to get a high quality, polished and refined game.

I didn't mind the controls on TP, they needed a bit of work but hopefully this one will have worked out the kinks, implemented motion+ and finally give us a very hands on gameplay experience.

I'm laughing whenever I see people who go around saying that Skyward Sword doesn't do anything new. We have barely seen anything of the game and from what we've seen already, Motion Plus will make combat much more in-depth. Yeah sure, Twilight Princess had Motion Controls too but they merely replaced a button press to attack while in Skyward Sword, it's 1:1 like sword control. That opens up a lot of new concepts as we have seen already with the scorpion boss and other enemies. Up to now bosses are usually killed by disabling them with an item first and smashing away on their weak point till they are dead so that's a welcome change which should up the challenge quite a bit.

Skyward Sword is made with the Motion Plus in mind, so there can't be a GC and CC support because, like I said already, the Motion Controls in Skyward Sword don't just replace buttons like in Twilight Princess.

About the development time complaint, how do you know when they started development? From what I've read, they were struggling with the mechanics until Wii Sports Resort came along and that was last year. The graphical style has been changed too following that and all that is quite a huge part of the game.

Lastly, I don't understand all the negativity towards this game. We haven't seen anything from it yet except for a demo that was made to showcase the new graphical style and more importantly, the controls. Seriously, it's WAY too early to judge Skyward Sword.

Have a little faith in Nintendo and Miyamoto. Smilie

I hope that it won't be as linear when Miyamoto says you will be able to go back and play it again. If you replayed Twilight Princess, it felt the same as the first time. But when you play other games, such as Resident Evil 4, even though the environment/story are linear, you can approach it in many different ways and replay it many times with a unique experience each time. I hope Skyward Sword operates the same way, even if the environment and dungeons don't change.

Zelda fanboy defense mode activate!!!

Irfy said:
Nintendo might aswell develop this game for the next console cause by the time they will release all the information about the system will be out and everyone will be excited about that... only thing driving this zelda game is the motion control, are still people excited about that? They could have added that to Twilight Princess, skyward sword doesnt really bring anything new...?

Considering pretty much everybody at Nintendo has repeatedly said that there won't be a new system for a few more years, I find it curious that you think it's an objective fact that nobody will care about the new Zelda because a new system will be out.

Marzy said:
I'm not excited about motion control.

Then why the hell did you buy a Wii?

Marzy said:

I hate Nintendo for not adding GC and CC controller support in it. Why force people to play with something? when they can have a number of different control schemes to suit everyone. I don't get it and it just makes my head feel like it's going to explode (I feel the same about DKC Returns).

Because they built their console around motion control, so they're not going to spend even more development time creating several different versions of the same game for people who don't want to use it?
This is like complaining that Bungie didn't make Halo for the Xbox 360 compatible with a mouse and keyboard.

Marzy said:

Everyone knows motion control is a mixed bag, with most long-term gamers hating it. This is just another stupid decision from Nintendo to alienate people who want to use a regular controller.

No, everyone does not "know" that. If everyone hates motion control, why did Microsoft and Sony just implement it? And the idea that Nintendo did this to purposely alienate people is just plain stupid.
You hate motion controls. So basically, the answer to your question is that you bought the wrong system.

Marzy said:

I can't tell you anything about motion control that makes me want it over a regular controller. Everything about it is inferior. Whenever I have the choice, I always use my Gamecube controller for Wii games.

Well, that sure does suck. Hopefully you can get over it at least to enjoy some good games. If not... oh well.

Stulaw said:

And remember the important word is over half way done, that could mean that there 70-80% done.

This is an important point, I think. The Japanese have an interesting way of talking. Being "over the halfway mark" could mean it's 90% complete. Didn't Miyamoto say earlier that all they had left were dungeons? Either he lied/was misquoted then, is lying/being misquoted now, or this game has some epic dungeons.

meeto_0 said:
The wii line up for next year is looking a little thin. If Xenoblade, last story, zelda and kirby arrive that will make my year for ME. But I cant imagine everyone is going to want to play the same games as me. There isnt enough choice. A very persistant problem for nintendo and its consoles.

I have a feeling that the above games with the exception of kirby are not going to be spread out properly through the year. And why is there not one Pikmin image.

I thought this game would be 80% complete. Didnt they say a feb release?

I think it's a bit soon to be calling the entirety of next year. Most games even announced so far are aimed at the first quarter, with other games to be announced later. Look at how this year turned out; we got Kirby, DK, Metroid, Epic Mickey etc. with many of them not even being announced at all until E3.
As for February release, no. Nobody said that. They didn't say anything, lol. Maybe you're thinking of the 3DS stuff? All they said was "Not this holiday, sometime next year."

SirLink said:lots of things

^This guy gets it. The game is apparently only halfway done, how can you seriously say it doesn't bring anything to the series?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Does anyone else think that Zelda titles should be released earlier on in a consoles lifespan? Yes, TP was released on Wii when it launched but it was a Gamecube port. I wish SS was released early on, around the time of Mario Galaxy, when people didn't undermine the Wii so much...

OoT, WW, and MM were all released fairly early in the console's lifespan. And everyone was really excited about this. But with the Wii approaching its last years and the 3DS release, this Zelda game isn't getting everyone as excited as usual (at least this is how I feel).

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

I've just finished reading the entire article on PocketLint and noticed something strange. To me it seems that the article itself is new but some parts of it are old. Essentially, an old interview spiced up with some new information. Why? Well, read all of it and you'll notice some strange things.

The first thing that appeared strange to me is that Miyamoto wasn't calling Skyward Sword by its name, only saying our new Zelda game. If that isn't enough, he's also oddly vague about everything. If this was a recent interview, he would be able to maybe give examples or something, or at least call the game by it's title.

If you read further the topic shifts to 3D. Apparently the interviewer said that Mario Kart would look great in 3D. Then it says this: "For the briefest of moments, Miyamoto looks like Pocket-lint has stolen a prized biscuit from his private cookie jar, since no announcement of Mario Kart in 3D has been made." We all know that Mario Kart for the 3DS was announced at E3, so going by that it would mean that the interview was actually conducted before or during E3. The fact that it says "at the time of this interview the game is "'over half complete'" kinda enforces this.

So yea, I don't believe that the interview these quotes are from is new which means that development should actually be quite a bit further. What do you guys think?

Even with Motion Plus, I hope they do a LOT to mix things up a bit. Maybe adding a jump button. Would allow for better platforming and combat against flying enemies.

They should also use each item much more too. Kind of like Metroid where there's loads of places open up to you after you've gained a new upgrade. Of course, if they did this, they'd have to give you a good enough reason to explore.

The side-quests in Majora's Mask were a lot of fun whereas Twilight Princess was such a bore outside of the main dungeons. Give us more to do in each town / between towns. The Wii may be last gen tech, but it's more than capable of a huge interesting world with lots to do.

The story could also do with more originality. TP started off quite well but then quickly became the same as OoT.

We still haven't seen this games main gimmick (Wind Waker, Sea, Wolf etc) so I'm hoping there'll be a lot of creativity involved. Smilie

Maybe adding a jump button


The only other Zelda style game with a jump button I can remember is alundra and the jumping in that dragged the game down imo.

Well, that's great news! Now we'll get Skyward Sword in November 2011 and have a proper final demo at E3 for everyone to enjoy. This way I can finish several games before Zelda is here so I can dive right into it at launch.

Jimmy2000 said:

The only other Zelda style game with a jump button I can remember is alundra

Or Zelda 2, where you could jump by pressing the jump button...

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Tman!! said:
I would prefer if Nintendo used this as a launch title for the next system but I wouldn't complain if they decided release for Wii.

They could make it so that a new Zelda launches every console, but it is alwyas going to pale in comparison to the later experiences on it. I'd rather the console be out for a few years and to hit its peak, then release Zelda when they are completely comfortable with the technology. Zelda shouldn't be used for new console experimentation, or be an enhanced last-gen game just to push new hardware.

( Edited 26.12.2010 14:27 by Lynk )

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