Try out 3DS at Nintendo World 2011 in January

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.11.2010 9

Try out 3DS at Nintendo World 2011 in January on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Japanese gaming public will be the first to try out the new Nintendo 3DS at a three day trade show in January 2011.

Back in the 90s and early noughties Nintendo held an event in Japan to usually debut new hardware and games, dubbed "Nintendo Space World", and now the company are set to debut the 3DS to an excitable home crowd with Nintendo World 2011.

According to the official Nintendo World 2011 site (translation via NeoGAF), the show takes place from 8th to 10th January 2011 with the new 3DS hardware to try out and new games/projects for the system.

It'll take place in the Makuhari Messe convention center, Tokyo, with free admission.

Image for Try out 3DS at Nintendo World 2011 in January

We certainly enjoyed our time with the Nintendo 3DS back in July. With the console a see-to-believe experience, it's more than likely that Nintendo will be touring the new console in a town near you in the coming months.

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"in a town near you" I wish. Smilie

Shame I can't try it out but I'm looking forward to seeing the new stuff Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Nintendo here? Lol you must be having a laugh. This won't get to my town. Idc though, I'll just buy one when they're finally released. Smilie

I'm positive Nintendo UK will do a tour of some sorts, new hardware and definitely must be seen! Really neat in motion, believe me!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Why is it always Japan, that get's the games, and consoles first? and if they aren't first they always get it just as quickly as US and other regions?

( Edited 25.11.2010 13:12 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out
Higa (guest) 25.11.2010#6

I'm there!!

The last "Spaceworld" was in 2001. I believe there was also another "Nintendo World" in 2006.

Wolvesgod said:
Why is it always Japan, that get's the games, and consoles first? and if they aren't first they always get it just as quickly as US and other regions?

Wii (and DS) were released in the US first.
The Wii was launched in the US almost two weeks before Japan and although Europe was technically the last major region to get it, it was only 6 days after Japan.

Sonic_13 said:
Wolvesgod said:
Why is it always Japan, that get's the games, and consoles first? and if they aren't first they always get it just as quickly as US and other regions?

Wii (and DS) were released in the US first.
The Wii was launched in the US almost two weeks before Japan and although Europe was technically the last major region to get it, it was only 6 days after Japan.

exactly my point, and if something was released in Japan first, US, Erope, and others, need to wait for a month or more.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

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