Sonic Gets Blue Wii Classic Controller

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.10.2010 10

Sonic Gets Blue Wii Classic Controller on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's not long to go now until Sonic's new colourful adventure and what better to help your quest than a blue Classic Controller.

The tag-along pad boasts Nintendo's trademark face buttons, a pair of analogue sticks and shoulder triggers for a more traditional means of control. We've had the regular white and delicious black Pro variety, but it seems SEGA will be including a branded blue original Wii classic controller with the game in Australia.

Image for Sonic Gets Blue Wii Classic Controller

Picked up by Gamerzines, the collection, which also includes Sonic figurines, seems to be only available down-under for now.

SEGA have yet to confirm plans to release the new periperhal in other regions.

Box art for Sonic Colours
Also known as

Sonic Colors


Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

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Smilie that's definitely something that I'd get.

I want a blue Wii now, but a blue controller will do.

( Edited 29.10.2010 00:34 by Stulaw )

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It's not a Pro? Unusual. Looks nice though!

PMD (guest) 29.10.2010#3

I already have a classic controller and I can't use it since it's so awkward. I'm not sure the controller isn't a PRO. I thought they discontinued the old style.

Well that pic says it's a normal classic controller :/

After getting a PRO controller, I thought it was amazing, but after playing with my old regular CC, I've realised that the original is much more comfortable for me to use. Smilie

PMD (guest) said:
I already have a classic controller and I can't use it since it's so awkward. I'm not sure the controller isn't a PRO. I thought they discontinued the old style.

I meant "I'm not sure WHY the controller isn't a Pro."
It's definitely the old style in the bundle.

Not PRO so not interested. Smilie I find the PRO a lot more comfortable.

I find Pro's a lot more comfortable also.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Rules (guest) 29.10.2010#9

I'm....PRO not interested in this product?

Anyone got DVD? DVD?!

Is classic controller pro better than the normal version?

I'm asking because I didn't try it.

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