3D Marvel Heroes Game Coming to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.10.2010 4

3D Marvel Heroes Game Coming to Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Glasses-free 3D maybe the next big thing from Nintendo but upcoming an Marvel Super Heroes game is set to change all that.

The Wii is set to get a 3D game where players, up to four, can don a mask of one of their favourites from the Marvel universe. Each of the masks, which come bundled with the game, contain 3D glasses to be used in a series of multiplayer challenges.

Image for 3D Marvel Heroes Game Coming to Wii

Via Aussie Nintendo

Box art for Marvel Super Heroes 3D: Grandmaster's Challenge








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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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Hmmm. That seem like a good idea but the fact that players have to ware a mask to play the game is a bit weird. I wonder if you have to ware a mask to the correct character to play as that hero. I would feel like a complete fool to ware a mask of a Super Hero. Next thing you will see people trying to climb buildings and getting a shield to throw at enemies, I.E. your friends.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

-_- do people ever think, about others that have glasses.

Hannah (guest) 06.10.2010#3

Does this game work with normal 3D glasses? Do u need these stupid masks?!

ERC (guest) 07.10.2010#4


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