Super Mario Anniversary DSi Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.09.2010 4

Super Mario Anniversary DSi Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite the the 3DS being the main focus of today's news blitz, Nintendo have revealed a limited edition DSi consoles, Super Mario style.

To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Super Mario Bros franchise Nintendo are releasing two swanky pieces of hardware - a themed DSi and DSi XL. Both will naturally be in gorgeous red, and come decorated with complimenting classic Mario artwork. The new kit will be available October 28th.

Image for Super Mario Anniversary DSi Revealed

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:O Want. Available in Europe?

That looks pretty nice tbh, although I have a dsi and I'm just gonna save for a 3DS now.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

If my DSi is anything to go by, anything other than solid colours is stupid, since you will scratch those kind of details off. Even if you have a protective case.

Martin_ said:
If my DSi is anything to go by, anything other than solid colours is stupid, since you will scratch those kind of details off. Even if you have a protective case.

They'll probably come off eventually, unfortunately, especially when shoved in a bag, pocket, jeans etc. Still, other themed GameBoy, DS have stayed pretty well intact for me decoration wise so would probably hold up.

Then again it is an anniversary edtion, so you can keep it wrapped up in its plastic and just look at it all day. YUM. RED!

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