Fossil Fighters Sequel for Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 17.09.2010 1

Fossil Fighters Sequel for Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo and RED have confirmed a sequel to the successful Bokura wa Kaseki Horider on DS (Fossil Fighters in the US - a game Europe is still waiting for). Nintendo has already opened up the official website for Super Kaseki Horider and the game, which is similar in several ways to the Pokémon series, except with dinosaurs, is due to arrive in Japan later this year.

Players will once again be able to dig up and clean fossils that can be built up over time into dinosaurs that can then be used to fight other creatures in the middle of a battle arena. Following a strong showing for the first game in Japan and the US, this sequel was always going to be on the cards, but seeing it on DS instead of 3DS is a surprise. This time round, there are over 140 dinosaur types and ancient plants to play with, and RED/Nintendo have even enlisted the help of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum for authenticity purposes!

Image for Fossil Fighters Sequel for Nintendo DS

Did any US readers try the first game, and if so what were your thoughts? Are European gamers missing out on a special treat?

Box art for Fossil Fighters





Turn Based RPG



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