CoD Black Ops Won't Shy Away from War

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.08.2010 2

CoD Black Ops Won

War games can be a tricky theme to get right and developer Treyarch won't be shying away from "the brutality of war".

"Anything we do will be to propel the story or illicit an emotional response from the player, to make them feel angry or righteous or sad," said Josh Olin at Gamescom on Call of Duty: Black Ops last week.

The studio are hard at work with the forthcoming multiplatform shooter, and whilst there are many themes can be seen as disturbing or distressing for some, Olin reckons they won't be thrown in for the sake of being "gritty".

Call of Duty: Black Ops is due for release on various platforms, including Wii and DS, on November 10th.

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (12 Votes)

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tahir (guest) 27.08.2010#1

black ops better be good.
mw2 was just awesome but you get bored of it if you play it allot.
i regret sellin it Smilie

Activision must not be happy that Medal of Honor is stealing all the controversy this year. Smilie

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