Aonuma on Zelda Skyward Sword Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.08.2010 11

Aonuma on Zelda Skyward Sword Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma recently spoke to Official Nintendo Magazine on all things Hyrule, including forthcoming Wii game Skyward Sword.

Aonuma reveals key decisions that have gone into the new MotionPlus project, re-affirming how the art and control styles have been pivotal in development and how traditional Zelda features have been revised and retuned for what will hopefully be a refreshing and new experience.

  • Link lives on a series of floating islands known as Skyloft as a normal kid enjoying his time above the land, however an incident occurs and he is forced to venture down to whatever it is that's below the clouds.
  • The land below has been captured by evil forces and so he starts his adventure to try and save this land. "The juxtapositon between the two worlds is very important."
  • The "Skyward Sword" is what leads Link on this new adventure and it transforms into a femine figure, not exactly a female, but a feminine figure. According to Aonuma it's not Zelda (thank god - ed).
  • As mentioned previously, the art style and control are bound together, with a more exhagerrated style in place due to exhagerrated movement and swordplay. Aonuma and Miyamoto felt this worked better.
  • Reimagining some of the gameplay elements - larger fields and dungeons that don't feel like traditional temples. Some of the more traditional aspects will be kept intact.
  • As revealed at E3, the game takes place before Ocarina of Time.
  • There might be familiar faces, but Aonuma is leaving that down to the team whether it's important and how fans might appreciate.
  • Old and new items Aonuma feels will bring a sense of newness because of the MotionPlus technology and how there's a different "feel" with using the tools at your disposal.
  • There will be a way for Link to travel to and from his home, but Aonuma wants to keep thisa secret for now.
  • With Skyward Sword I think that we want people to play the game - once they first get a chance to pick up the Remote and Nunchuk and play, they'll understand how great the sword feels and how easy and natural to use the items are in the game...

    ...It's interesting - the problem with MotionPlus is that until people get it in their hands and play it, it is very hard to convey the experience. And now we have put Nintendo 3DS in the mix - so explaining Nintendo 3DS is even harder because until they see it, they won't understand. We have just created another obstacle for ourselves!

    For more juicy details on Ocarina of Time for 3DS and Aonuma's influences, be sure to read the full interview at ONM.

    Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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    ShadowEXP (guest) 25.08.2010#1

    I wish for a zelda to be better that OOT and i hope this could be it. I hope SS will be a blast and hopefully the most fun ill have for 2011.

    It certainly looks great, and it doesn't seem to stray too far off the classic Zelda gameplay that I love. Though I want to see how the sword is handled, since it may get tiring if you are required to be accurate with the swings.

    Kenneth (guest) 25.08.2010#3

    this really didnt have any info whatsoever on the 3ds game and so the title was misleading.....

    I'd hope you do have to be accurate with the swings, but they compensate for having a lot less enemys.
    Have fewer, but harder, ones is best imho.

    Reimagining some of the gameplay elements - larger fields and dungeons that don't feel like traditional temples. Some of the more traditional aspects will be kept intact.

    That sounds very positive.
    My #1 improvement needed for Zelda games is to break the temples/dungeons up. Make them feel more part of the landscape. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Kenneth (guest) said:
    this really didnt have any info whatsoever on the 3ds game and so the title was misleading.....

    What part of "Skyward Sword" and "Wii" did you find misleading?

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing:

    justonesp00lturn said:
    Kenneth (guest) said:
    this really didnt have any info whatsoever on the 3ds game and so the title was misleading.....

    What part of "Skyward Sword" and "Wii" did you find misleading?

    The title has now been changed. It was something like 'Aonuma on Zelda Skyward Sword on Wii and OoT on 3DS'.

    Cheesing it up said:
    justonesp00lturn said:
    Kenneth (guest) said:
    this really didnt have any info whatsoever on the 3ds game and so the title was misleading.....

    What part of "Skyward Sword" and "Wii" did you find misleading?

    The title has now been changed. It was something like 'Aonuma on Zelda Skyward Sword on Wii and OoT on 3DS'.

    Haha, I was going to say xD

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing:

    ShadowEXP (guest) said:
    I wish for a zelda to be better that OOT and i hope this could be it. I hope SS will be a blast and hopefully the most fun ill have for 2011.

    Majoras Mask was better than OoT, but reviewers didnt think so because they suck. Most people now adays think its the better game.

    edracon said:
    ShadowEXP (guest) said:
    I wish for a zelda to be better that OOT and i hope this could be it. I hope SS will be a blast and hopefully the most fun ill have for 2011.

    Majoras Mask was better than OoT, but reviewers didnt think so because they suck. Most people now adays think its the better game.

    I think it works better as a retroactive game, because after all of this time, it's really the only game that deviated from the now painfully predictable format nearly every game has followed. Even Ocarina of Time was basically Link to the Past in 3D. Really, Majora's Mask and The Adventure of Link are the only challenging, different games in terms of gameplay and idea. Incidentally, those two would probably make my top 5 Zelda games.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing:

    Adventure of link was like loads of *other* games, however. It felt almost like Mario2 to me. Zelda-branding slapped on a completely different game.

    Majoras Mask as a fantastic game though, original in all sorts of areas.
    I wouldn't say it was more original then OoT gameplay wise though. MM's strength was the story. Aside from Links Awakening, I can't think of another entry with such a radically different story.

    Gameplay wise, meanwhile, it refined everything that OoT did and added the groundhog-3-days mechanic.
    It was a better game. But at the same time it was far less revolutionary. (Z-targeting alone puts oot amongst the most important games ever made)

    I feel the same way about TP. TP is also better then Ocarina of Time, in absolute terms..story,puzzles,diversity and certainly story script/direction.[compare Midna to Navi]
    But its far less revolutionary. Its just refinement. An evolution.

    This is Nintendos problem "better" isn't good enough. You need to have big differences too, revolutionary if possible. Because if you want to have something that *feels* as amazing as OoT did, it needs to be an equal leap up in differences from what came before. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    Best thing I could have chosen to read. I really don't mind though. They've putted together 10 versions of the same series and all rocked, and as a good Zelda fan I'll just get my hands on this as soon as it hits the shelves Smilie.

    Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

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