E310 | 3DS Cards & Box Designs Get Remodelled

By 19.06.2010 12

E310 | 3DS Cards & Box Designs Get Remodelled on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There've been some major upgrades from the DS to the new 3DS system. The main focus coming from its 3D capabilities and new slide pad, that acts similarly to an analogue stick. Whilst those bigger features got the main focus, there's also been some smaller discoveries about the games for the system, which feature a slight change in design.

The new game cards for the Nintendo 3DS look practically the same, apart from a new tab added to the top right-hand side. As for the new game boxes, they come in a thinner casing, most likely a design choice that was brought forward to help the environment.

Image for E310 | 3DS Cards & Box Designs Get Remodelled

Image for E310 | 3DS Cards & Box Designs Get Remodelled

What do you think of the small changes in the game card and box designs?

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smaller box is a plus for me. Now I can fit more game on a shelf Smilie

Hmmmm... Alright, I guess I can deal with the small cards some more. I mean, it's easy to get lost, but it is a space saver. I'll deal.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I think the smaller game cases are just fine. I don't keep my DS games in the cases anyway (the cases just sit on a shelf), so the fact that they both take up less shelf space and use a little less plastic is a big plus in my eyes.

Our member of the week

Sonic_13 said:
I think the smaller game cases are just fine. I don't keep my DS games in the cases anyway (the cases just sit on a shelf), so the fact that they both take up less shelf space and use a little less plastic is a big plus in my eyes.


( Edited 19.06.2010 20:05 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

The slimmer case looks sexy.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Slim's good Smilie I prefer the US style of case (the black one) over the Euro big clear white DS ones. Hopefully we'll get more slimmer, slicker casing over here.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Are these as slim as DVD cases? If so, that's awesome. Smilie (Room for more games on my shelf)

Nice, liking the slim boxes. ^_^ I thought the 3DS game cards would be bigger for some reason. Hope that little tab doesn't make them too big to fit in TicTac boxes, they're ideal for carrying DS games. Smilie

Ikana said:
Nice, liking the slim boxes. ^_^ I thought the 3DS game cards would be bigger for some reason. Hope that little tab doesn't make them too big to fit in TicTac boxes, they're ideal for carrying DS games. Smilie

Lol, that sounds like a strange but good idea. May have to try that next time I get a box of TicTacs. xD

Rovelius (guest) 21.06.2010#10

lol @ Nintendo caring about environment Smilie

TehLawlMan (guest) 02.01.2011#11

There's A tip on the 3DS Game Cartrige so people can't mix up there 3DS Games with the regular DS Games and put a 3DS Game in another DS System by acsidnt

shu (guest) 16.11.2012#12

what are the dimensions of the 3ds box cover!

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