Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Delayed, New Trailer Revealed

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 21.05.2010 23

Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Delayed, New Trailer Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

While many fans were expecting the blue Hedgehog's next glorious 'reboot' to hit their downloads in June or July, a big announcement was made regarding Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 last night on SEGA's blog. You'll now have to wait until "late 2010" to see the final game in action.

However, it's really not all bad news...

SEGA has made the decision to ensure that Sonic 4: Episode I is a game worthy of bearing the weight of its name. To do so, we’ve decided to extend the game’s development - and, for the first time ever, we’ve mixed internal suggestions alongside fan feedback to make some new, positive changes to the game.

Yes, you just read that correctly. You’re not dreaming.

Because of this, the game will now be releasing in the latter half of this year. Of course, we’re not the kind of people to just go and move a date around without something else to fill that void - so the news gets even better from here.

Whereas most Sonic games of recent years have had tight release schedules and even unfinished game mechanics in final releases, SEGA have made the decision to delay the game and fix it up for their lovely fanbase.

Alongside the delay comes the announcement of a version for Apple's iTunes App Store containing extra stages that will likely make use of the iPhone's touch screen, meaning the game will be available for download on the iPod and iPhone as well as the previously announced platforms: XBOX Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and, of course, WiiWare.

Oh, and there's a new trailer of a gameplay montage from Splash Hill Zone.

Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will be released on Nintendo's WiiWare download service in late 2010. The game will also be making an appearance at next month's E3 show in Los Angeles. In the mean time, comment below or chat about the game with other members in C3's Sonic 4 Discussion Thread.

What do you think about the announcement? Are you happy that Sonic is getting the time and care he deserves, or do you think it looked fine in its current state? Express your thoughts below...

Box art for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I





2D Platformer



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Good to know they're putting in changes/improvements - does look a lot more solid from that footage - I'm guessing the physics/animation is what they're really trying to get tight/right atm.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, that trailer certainly looks much better than the first couple they released at the start.

I just can't help but think that the classic Sonic model suits the game so much better though. I know this is what Sonic's become now, but the classic model would look so much more at home than the taller 3D one we have nowadays.

Either way, it looks a lot better and I will gladly wait longer if they're going to be touching it up to meet fan expectations.

I think they must've listened to the fans. The running animations are looking a lot better.

( Edited 21.05.2010 19:21 by Trepe )

Why the HELL does he have a homing attack? I don't recognize him having that.....

*sigh* I guess there will never be a TRUE old school Sonic game again...

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Why the HELL does he have a homing attack? I don't recognize him having that.....

*sigh* I guess there will never be a TRUE old school Sonic game again...

Oh come on, playtesters have said the homing attack is entirely optional, and it even slows you down, so playing Sonic in the Classic style is entirely possible and may even make you get through stages faster.

If there are any further characters playable they won't even have it, it's just something to give Sonic more of a handicap for once, whereas in the old games Tails and Knuckles were almost 100% better than Sonic.

( Edited 22.05.2010 14:30 by SuperLink )

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I wouldn't mind the homing attack if every little thing didn't light up with a red reticule. Smilie

I just wish that it would be more like 16 bit type of style. Mega Man went straight back to the 8-bit platform and he has never looked better. Plus they stayed to the original gameplay for him from Mega Man 2. I can understand how the homing attack is fine for the 3-D titles (adventures, heroes) but not for a side scroller.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
I just wish that it would be more like 16 bit type of style. Mega Man went straight back to the 8-bit platform and he has never looked better. Plus they stayed to the original gameplay for him from Mega Man 2.

And they're trying to make the original Sonic gameplay too, just with the homing attack.

Why the hell would 16-bit be preferable to HD? Especially if the gameplay ends up the same. I just will never understand how worse graphics = better game.

I'm actually kinda annoyed at MM9 and 10 for using the 8-Bit gimmick and selling it for the price of a modern download game.

I can understand how the homing attack is fine for the 3-D titles (adventures, heroes) but not for a side scroller.

Just wait and see, every playtest so far has been positive.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I haven't seen the need for the homing attack either, but if it is playable without even needing it, that's alright.

I so would have preferred a true classic Sonic in HD.

Seeing some of these mock ups really make you think how awesome it could look.

( Edited 22.05.2010 18:30 by Azuardo )

@ Azuardo

I once thought they (the above HD mock ups) looked amazing but after seeing Sonic 4 in motion, I really think they look awful for a game now. They look very flash game-like. Sonic 4 looks beautiful and very detailed and has a lot of depth for a 2D sidescroller.

( Edited 22.05.2010 21:40 by wAyNe )

Sonic 4 is graphically much more impressive than NSMBW, even the Wii version.

I don't see how people can possibly have a problem with Sonic 4's visuals if they don't have a problem with NSMBW. I mean I don't think it looks great, but noone else seems to be bugged by NSMBW's visuals at all.

Can't help but agree with Wayne really, I think Sonic 4 looks lovely. The only thing anyone should really be worried about is if it plays like it should, a game worthy of its name.

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CAPT xena 31 (guest) 23.05.2010#12

hello this is kind off the topic but just brought prince of persia forgotten sands and I am stuck on the ball maze dose how get the ball through the maze. next I think the dsi or ds has a fighting chance if good games such as dementium the ward and dementium 2 are made the for dsi or ds I really love surival horror games I think if they keep pumping such as theese come out for the dsi or the ds it will do great they need to make more m rated games for dsi or ds this will drawn more adults such as myself to buy the hand held oh forgive my spelling it been a long day. thank you from capt xena31 ps if anyone can help me with prince persia the forgoteen sands game you reach me AT CAPTXENA31@GMAIL .COM

What is their to be upset about the "8-bit gimmick" Nothing is wrong with it. Fans have been bugging Capcom for an 8-bit Mega Man game for quite some time. Besides, the downloadable content for those games are quite impressive. It's not a big game and Capcom isn't doing any gimmicks. They are simply giving the fans what they want. I already think MM9 and 10 will be better than S4.

Where does NSMBW come into this? Why does it matter how they do visually compared to S4?

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
What is their to be upset about the "8-bit gimmick" Nothing is wrong with it. Fans have been bugging Capcom for an 8-bit Mega Man game for quite some time. Besides, the downloadable content for those games are quite impressive. It's not a big game and Capcom isn't doing any gimmicks. They are simply giving the fans what they want. I already think MM9 and 10 will be better than S4.

I would much rather get an HD MegaMan game, 8-Bit has absolutely no positives over HD. And the 8-Bit thing is MM9/10's gimmick, it's the selling point of the game, it's something that not many other games do, it's a gimmick. Downloadable content? You do realise that it's all content on the game itself that you have to pay to unlock right? You don't actually "download" anything, you just use your own money to unlock features Capcom already put in the game. Thankfully SEGA haven't done that for ages.

Plus how can you tell MM9 and 10 will be better than S4 especially if they get the classic gameplay down? They're not exactly comparable games. Would you say MM9/10 are better than NSMBW because they're more "classic"?

Where does NSMBW come into this? Why does it matter how they do visually compared to S4?

NSMBW comes into it because it did exactly the same thing as S4 is doing, it got the classic gameplay, added a few things to it, and updated the graphics. Why did noone want a 16-bit Mario just because it would be more "classic"?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

but even you admitted, Mario doesn't need good graphics. All it has is good game play. Even you admitted that. So the whole meaning of S4 having better graphics doesn't matter since SEGA usually messes up the game play in Sonic games while Mario games have awesome game play.

Maybe they wont mess this one up but usually they do.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
but even you admitted, Mario doesn't need good graphics. All it has is good game play. Even you admitted that.

I was being sarcastic, if you couldn't tell from the smilie use D:
I assumed Bart was being sarcastic about the music too, which is why I said that. Gameplay isn't the only important aspect of a game, just the most important. Music and graphics are still an important part of the final product. If that wasn't true why would Nintendo put so much effort into the beautiful music and graphics of SMG?

So the whole meaning of S4 having better graphics doesn't matter since SEGA usually messes up the game play in Sonic games while Mario games have awesome game play.

Maybe they wont mess this one up but usually they do.

Oh yeah obviously if SEGA fuck up the gameplay somehow then anything they do with visuals or music is kinda redundant anyway (read: Sonic Unleashed's Werehog stages, awesome music and amazing graphics, but the gameplay is so frustrating)

They can't fuck up this one, if they do they lose all credibility they've ever had, and Sonic will be dead for good. This is a huge gamble and I highly doubt they'd just chuck out shit and expect people to be ok with it.

Sonic 4 is going to be brilliant, SEGA have no other choice.
That's how I see it.

You just have to understand that Sonic 4 being HD has nothing to do with the gameplay, only the graphics. Capcom could very easily create an HD game with gameplay identical to 8-Bit games.

If Sonic 4 was 16-Bit that wouldn't make a difference to gameplay either.

( Edited 24.05.2010 14:49 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:

They can't fuck up this one. I highly doubt they'd just chuck out shit and expect people to be ok with it.
Sonic 4 is going to be brilliant, SEGA have no other choice.

I'm pretty sure this sounds like the return of the Sonic Cycle. For those who don't know what its about....Image for

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:

I'm pretty sure this sounds like the return of the Sonic Cycle. For those who don't know what its about....

Rofl. SuperShyGuy, you're not an idiot. Tell me then, where's the second stage of the Sonic Cycle in Sonic 4? The second stage hasn't happened yet.

It won't happen at all, and neither will the third stage.

Yes that Cycle is true for most Sonic games, but Sonic 4 is not most Sonic games.

( Edited 25.05.2010 10:05 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

But it's a possibility that the second stage could happen.....

*I hope you knocked on wood for,

"It won't happen at all and neither will the third stage."

( Edited 25.05.2010 16:45 by SuperShyGuy62 )

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
But it's a possibility that the second stage could happen.....

*I hope you knocked on wood for,

"It won't happen at all and neither will the third stage."

The game was almost finished and ready to be released in June before the delay announcement came, and still no second stage.

The delay will only improve what we have so far, so the second stage will have even less chance of happening than it did before, if that's even possible.

I'm not going to knock on wood, because it just won't happen.
Besides, the Sonic Cycle hasn't ever applied to a 2D Sonic game before (Sonic Advance and the Rush games were all great and well received by critics and fans), why would it start now? (Rivals doesn't count, it was made by a really small developer)

Stop looking for every possible excuse to say Sonic 4 will suck when all the evidence at hand suggests it will be the opposite D:

( Edited 25.05.2010 16:50 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The only things I'm worried about are, will the gameplay be up to scratch and will I feel short changed with the episodic download games being too short.

Otherwise it looks great. I would hate to see it return to 16bit graphics.

Trepe said:
The only things I'm worried about are, will the gameplay be up to scratch and will I feel short changed with the episodic download games being too short.

Yeah the gameplay being up to scratch is a genuine concern, but to be completely honest the technology in Sonic 1 is about 20 years old now, SEGA have absolutely no excuse to mess this up, so I hope they put the delay to good use.

As for being episodic, I think it's great. Rather than paying for a full disc, we'll be getting the longest 2D Sonic ever made in 3(?) episodes which will be about half the price of NSMBW altogether.

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savannah (guest) 05.09.2010#23

Smilie i cant wait!!!

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