Take Two Kills Manhunt Sequel Talk

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.04.2010 1

Take Two Kills Manhunt Sequel Talk on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumblings of another bloodbath from Take Two have been put to rest. Despite concept art and ideas being passed about, there won't be a third Manhunt.

The second game caused a stir on the family-friendly Wii, letting players engage in disturbing acts using the Wii Remote and Nunchuck as tools to simulate the killings on screen. The series does have a fairly strong following, and there was even rumblings of supporting the PlayStation Move.

For now publisher Take Two has killed off the series, but with enough interest it may just get a seal of approval to go ahead.

Are you a fan of Manhunt? Would you be interested in a follow-up?

Box art for Manhunt 2

Rockstar Toronto







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I am a fan. They lacked a certain gentle touch that is easily comparable to Rob Zombie's original films (House of a 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects). The originality of the concept was great but I think Rockstar just got sloppy with number two and is going to wait a while longer to avoid further embarrassment.

I said "sloppy with number two" Smilie

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