Vitality Sensor To Scare Zelda?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.03.2010 19

Vitality Sensor To Scare Zelda? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Wii MotionPlus giving Zelda's Link that extra bit of precision in his swipes, could the Wii Vitality Sensor sense his fear?

The upcoming Legend of Zelda adventure is said to be taking the series somewhere fresh, and with swordplay being even more realistic fans have questioned whether Nintendo would incorporate the Vitality Sensor peripheral as well. According to franchise founder Shigeru Miyamoto, it might just be possible:

Whenever we are going to use any new device it is possible to expand the appeal to those who are new to the videogaming world. At the same time, however, it is also fun to think of ways in which we might apply that new technology to existing forms of gameplay, just like the way we are working on the new Legend Of Zelda together with Wii Motion Plus.

As you become more scared, the enemies become even tougher. So maybe you might like to ask me to incorporate the Vitality Sensor into Zelda so that as you become more scared, the enemies become even tougher.

Would you be interested in using the sensor to detect your state in a game like Zelda?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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I think that would be lovely really. It's just the kind of thing that could get me on the Vitality bandwagon.

Of course it has to be actually creepy/exciting/scary. It won't do any good at all if it's not as creepy as Majora's Mask. Maybe MM and TP combined or worse? Looking forward to it Smilie

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Would be good to see. The Sensor would have to go through a slight redesign and get a passthrough-port like Motionplus has to really allow for it though; tough to imagine a game like 3D Zelda without an Analog stick.

Does that mean the mask merchant will be a major character in the new Zelda? Smilie

meeto_0 (guest) 22.03.2010#4

what about the nun chuck! i swear to god if the next zelda is on rails or has limited movement i will be really pissed of. motion plus doesnt always see eye to eye with the analogue stick so i cant imagine all 4 devices working in harmony. plus i dont want to be forced into buying a new device to play zelda. if its another way to enjoy it then thats fine.

This news did not make me excited

Maybe Guys, the Vitality sensor will be wireless? With a Lithium but rechargeable watch battery? and a slightly more flexible design? That or there could b a double cable that allows both the Nunchuck and VS to be connected at the same time.

Other than that issue, seems like a pretty awesome idea to me.

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I don't think I've ever been scared in any Zelda game. Smilie

A bit creeped out in Majora's Mask and a bit tense during boss fights in the games but that's about it. Can't see the point of this really.

I used to shit my pants when those wall-masters would make an appearance.

I'd rather pull my pubes out of my scrotum than play that game.

Be careful, the shadows can smell fear...THEY'LL PULLLL YOUUUUUU INNNNNNNN...

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Hmmmmmm as long as its optional, like you can get though the game without it if it turns out to be a nusunce, then again, could be great.

As long as it wouldn't sense madness then I would totally buy it anyways. Or...! Maybe, if it sensed fear, I got a new way to torture Link by pretending to be scared, omg omg, yay gimme! Jumping down cliffs and slipping on ice is starting to get boring.

Of all of the things people talk about bringing to the series, I'd actually like to see a level system implemented again. It won't ever happen, since everybody hated The Adventure of Link (which was one of my favorite games in the series,) but basically, if we got something like The Legend of Zelda meets Fallout 3, I'd probably die happy.

Vitality Sensor support sounds intriguing, assuming it's well-implemented. Currently, it seems like it requires the use of a hand that would end up distracted from either the Wii Remote or the Nunchuck, but I assume they'd find some way around this.

As it is, the only way I see vitality sensor ever being put to good use is in Wii Fit-style games, or maybe something along the lines of Eternal Darkness or Metal Gear.

But Nintendo has always pushed the concept that peripherals are built around ideas, not the other way around. I expect that, while the VS might just bring a new stock of shovelware, Nintendo probably wouldn't have made the thing if they didn't have at least one nifty little idea up their sleeves.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Sounds lame

matt (guest) 23.03.2010#14

yes but how is the vutality sensor used because last time i looked it needs to be linked to the wiimote so on rails is all they can do with that unless they have changed it because zelda is handled with nunchuck/wiimote so how would u use the vitality sensor when it needs to be linked to the wiimote

matt (guest) said:
yes but how is the vutality sensor used because last time i looked it needs to be linked to the wiimote so on rails is all they can do with that unless they have changed it because zelda is handled with nunchuck/wiimote so how would u use the vitality sensor when it needs to be linked to the wiimote

Easy. Either the final version of Vitality Sensor has an extra port on it, or it comes with a splitter.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Great the batteries will last 5 seconds then everytime you play the game

( Edited 23.03.2010 19:34 by vivisapprentice )

Maybe the Vitality Sensor plugs into the USB port?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I'd say it has to work the other way round. The less scared you are, the tougher the game has to become.

But you don't need a vitality sensor for that... Just throw in more enemies when the player rarely gets hit.

To be honest the concept of this peripheral is almost pointless because reading stress or whatever is just worthless. If it comes out there will not be many sales because in order to make sales this peripheral must go well with a good selling game. I guess how it reads your emotions is kind of cool but from the way it looks it will most likely be very uncomfortable throughout your experience

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