Rumour: DS Follow-up by the end of 2010?

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2010 32

Rumour: DS Follow-up by the end of 2010? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could 2010 be the year for a new Nintendo portable? Rumblings from GDC this week suggest that the follow-up to the DS will be out by the end of the year.

According to GameInformer the new hardware would not be an existing remodel of the original DS, but instead a true follow-up again boasting two screens, larger than the regular DS, however sources are suggesting that the gap between will be so narrow that two could literally become one large screen. To play catch-up with modern phones, there's also said to be a built-in accelerometer to tilt and track the way you're holding.

Power wise, anonymous developers are stating that kits they've received are comparable in power to those used for GameCube projects. Those already crafting games say that there isn't too much of a learning curve.

More sources are suggesting that there might be an announcement at this year's E3, with a release towards the end of 2010.

Do you think there's some truth to these rumours? Would you be interested in a more powerful DS?

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Considering the rumours also are considering nVidia's Tergra chip, it could be pretty powerful. Considering how long the DS has been out, and also the recent dry up of decent titles (first party or otherwise that aren't RPG's) then I think it is time for a new handheld.

Argh... I just bought thr DSi 2 months ago, should I have waited for this?Smilie

Its nice to be hearing this rumor so consistently. Generally means there really is something on the way. Looking forward to E3! Better start putting aside cash now for the release. Smilie

( Edited 14.03.2010 14:58 by Jacob4000 )

Our member of the week

The DSi clearly wasn't the new generation, it's just an upgraded version of the DS Lite, like the DS Lite was an updated DS Tank. Sure it has DSiware but they were just catching up on what they should have done in the first place and not bringing a whole new generation of games.

Nevertheless the DSi is a very good console. Just not the next generation, It's not different enough from the DS/DS Lite to be the new generation. And it's about time we got a new generation of portable gaming.

If the rumours around tegra are true though, i hope they go for the Tegra 2. The first Tegra is barely more powerful than a PSP, so when the PSP 2 will eventually come out, chances are the new nintendo handheld will be left far behind.

Though i still like my DS, i think the time is right for something brand new.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Theres been non stop rumours of the next handheld system since the release of the DS.
I dont see any reason why any of them are newsworthy. Its all utter guesework.

Also; Isnt there like 4 more Layton games due ?
As well as a new Scribblenaughts, that Ghibli game, a few other high-profile titles not due soon at all. The DSi has some interesting looking titles coming too. The augmented reality ghost thing, for example as well as the uber-cool headtracking tech;

I think many people just want new hardware for the sake of new hardware :-/
Theres still lots of great stuff on what we got.

so when the PSP 2 will eventually come out, chances are the new nintendo handheld will be left far behind.

I dont think Nintendo even remotely cares about that. The PSP was significantly more powerfull then the DS and it didnt mater one little bit.
Other factors proved much more important.

( Edited 14.03.2010 15:59 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Here, here to darkflame. The DS line really proved the reality of substance over flash. I have been borrowing my pal's PSP for three years now. He doesn't want it back anytime soon and it has about two years and 10 months of dust on it. Expensive paperweight.

Sooo what do i do now, upgrade my DSlite to DSi XL or wait even longer now for the new console, will it be backwards combatible? I personally feel the DS has too much fight left in it to really be thinking about the next handheld, if they wanna release a new console, lets see the wii's next step up.

Jax (guest) 14.03.2010#8

Kafei2006 said:
The DSi clearly wasn't the new generation, it's just an upgraded version of the DS Lite, like the DS Lite was an updated DS Tank. Sure it has DSiware but they were just catching up on what they should have done in the first place and not bringing a whole new generation of games.

Nevertheless the DSi is a very good console. Just not the next generation, It's not different enough from the DS/DS Lite to be the new generation. And it's about time we got a new generation of portable gaming.

If the rumours around tegra are true though, i hope they go for the Tegra 2. The first Tegra is barely more powerful than a PSP, so when the PSP 2 will eventually come out, chances are the new nintendo handheld will be left far behind.

Though i still like my DS, i think the time is right for something brand new.

Totally Agree!. but i'm Glad i didn't Get me a Dsi Now !

Bill (guest) 15.03.2010#9

I'm thinking 'DS2' will be released in Japan late this year and sometime next year for North America and Europe.

I wouldn't be surprised, considering all the rumors popping up and even the official hints from Nintendo itself. Those specs look completely believable and I am guessing that each screen will have the resolution of a PSP (480 x 272). Even though smartphones may have higher resolution screens, they cost a considerable amount to manufacture.

I am fairly sure that this will be officially revealed at E3, with a worldwide launch right before Christmas. Even though you may think "too soon!", after it is officially announced, you won't be able to wait until Christmas.

Bill (guest) 15.03.2010#11

I'm not sure about a worldwide release though. With the DSi XL's recent launch I think chances are DS2 will be released first in Japan late this year (Where the DSi XL has been out longer).

I thought Pokemon Gen5 was supposed to be out on DS, though? Was that just a cover-up?
As powerful as GameCube sounds pretty attractive. I'm hoping that doesn't mean a slew of yet-again-ported games to it, though. I'm looking at you, Capcom. I love Resident Evil as much as the next guy, but I don't need the games I've already played put onto every single system.
I'm also hoping that this won't mean the end of old-school gaming. As neat as 3D gaming is, and as cool as it can be on a handheld, sometimes a top-down or a sidescroller just works better.

Kafei2006 said:
The DSi clearly wasn't the new generation, it's just an upgraded version of the DS Lite, like the DS Lite was an updated DS Tank. Sure it has DSiware but they were just catching up on what they should have done in the first place and not bringing a whole new generation of games.

Nevertheless the DSi is a very good console. Just not the next generation, It's not different enough from the DS/DS Lite to be the new generation. And it's about time we got a new generation of portable gaming.

If the rumours around tegra are true though, i hope they go for the Tegra 2. The first Tegra is barely more powerful than a PSP, so when the PSP 2 will eventually come out, chances are the new nintendo handheld will be left far behind.

Though i still like my DS, i think the time is right for something brand new.

Chances are not at all. Like a few have said, the PSP was far more powerful than the DS in every capacity, yet was made to look like a joke. Considering the price of the PSP Go, if they do what they say they're doing with the PSP2, it wouldn't surprise me if the thing costs more than a PS3.

When you make a home console, it's pretty ideal that the thing will sell if it's a heavy-duty device. People want their movies, music, and games in one setting. But the handhelds have always been about games, first and foremost. The DS proved this. And Sony just doesn't have the must-have library Nintendo offers, in the handheld market. I'll even predict right here and now, the Pokemon games that'll come out for DS2 alone will sell more than anything that'll ever be on PSP 2. Perhaps even combined.

But at any rate, it'll end up being a lost cause for Sony, even if they do sell a ton of units. Handheld game systems outsell home consoles by a huge margin, and it's harder to cover your losses with a handheld. Nintendo will be making a profit on every DS2 sold, Sony will be losing money on every PSP2 made.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

The stories are finally catching up with what I've been saying. But the news I have is..... Nintendo is looking to include a inbuilt 3G modem which is dedicated to Nintendo services.

Nintendo are looking to swallow the connection charges by using a dedicated provider, like Amazon has with the Kindle... having a dedicated online device provides Nintendo a few advantages.

Firstly it allows Nintendo to expand its range of deliverable services.

Secondly it encourages users to access Nintendo content via the Nintendo Store for example.... this would generate more interest in the web based services.

But the story does conflict with mine, which is 1 single screen which can emulate 2 screens.

Oh and Nintendo have been extremely interested in folding screen technology, which was first displayed by Samsung.. Smilie

( Edited 15.03.2010 16:07 by MightyHorace )

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">
Freaknik™ (guest) 15.03.2010#14

Freaknik !!! fo shezzel man . The ds 2™) has been out in Denmark . for 20 years around the time you guys got the N.e.s! .Ha Ha

Oh and Nintendo have been extremely interested in folding screen technology, which was first displayed by Samsung..

Funny you should say that, because I was thinking exactly the same thing earlier, a flexible screen in the middle so that you close it, but with no gap between screens when in use. But then I also though, having two sets of button controls, so you can hold it portrait, but then turn it sideways on its side so can play it widescreen using another Dpad and some of the controls from the portrait version....Very interesting.
Don't let us down again Horace!

I don't see the DS2 using 3G since it would require Nintendo to use cell phone networks which would drive up the costs considerably. Not to mention that there would be giant localization problems with every continent having separate networks.

The folding screen seems way too fragile or expensive to use in a Nintendo product. Little kids are going to be using this, and Nintendo won't want the screen breaking in any way. Nintendo normally does not use untested technology- they may add technology new to gaming, but they are never the first ones to put new technology in their devices.

Here's something to speculate on:
What type of touch screen will it use, if any? Will they go with the current pressure-sensitive touchscreen, or go with what iPod and most phones use, which (to the best that I'll be able to explain it with the limited knowledge I have, forgive me if I'm wrong) utilizes some form of completing currents? There are pros and cons of both, but I think in the end, the current completion tends to be more responsive. Especially if the system comes with a stylus that will work for it.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Here's something to speculate on:
What type of touch screen will it use, if any? Will they go with the current pressure-sensitive touchscreen, or go with what iPod and most phones use, which (to the best that I'll be able to explain it with the limited knowledge I have, forgive me if I'm wrong) utilizes some form of completing currents? There are pros and cons of both, but I think in the end, the current completion tends to be more responsive. Especially if the system comes with a stylus that will work for it.

Only the iPod touch/phone uses heat sensitive screens, as they have that tech 'patented' I think. All other phones work by pressure. The DS needs to work by pressure as I don't want to use my finger for every thing, it will get in the way too much.

( Edited 15.03.2010 10:00 by Echoes221 )

I can't see anything being released in the near future. I think they may reveal something at E3 this year, but it'll probably be another year or so before it's on sale.

If they could have an ipod touch kind of screen that's also able to use a stylus, that would be great. I would love the games to be normal retail games (in whichever for they come) but be able to load them onto the device so I can carry many games around with me. I would love to be able to somehow load my DS games onto it, so I can carry all of those around too (I can't see that happening though).

Gawd... took me long enough just to get into DS gaming. Not too fond of the idea of mooaaaar, but then again... new is fun. Smilie

Hello I am back to touch on a few points

PMD said:
I don't see the DS2 using 3G since it would require Nintendo to use cell phone networks which would drive up the costs considerably. Not to mention that there would be giant localization problems with every continent having separate networks.

Actually this is incorrect; carrier charges are significantly lower when using a specific service. Amazon Kindle is estimated to cost just $15 for the lifetime of the product. The misconception you’ve jumped to is that the 3G modem would enable constant online gaming… this is not the case. Nintendo are looking to have a dedicated store access as digital downloads will drive the platform forward as a media device.

PMD said:
The folding screen seems way too fragile or expensive to use in a Nintendo product. Little kids are going to be using this, and Nintendo won't want the screen breaking in any way. Nintendo normally does not use untested technology- they may add technology new to gaming, but they are never the first ones to put new technology in their devices.

When Nintendo launched the DS it was the first major consumable product which was powered by a touch interface, while some mobile devices indeed had launched prior they never broke the sales which Nintendo did, so in some ways it was classed as untested technology for the masses and for gaming.

Samsung first displayed the OLED folding screen technology back in 2008 as a replacement product for its mobile screens. It’s a very impressive technology and one that since its first concept has developed greatly, but as yet not used in a commercial device.

To operate as a touch screen a glass layer must be placed over the OLED display to form a protective barrier, this would be the overcoming barrier, how to fold, protect and engage with, but I doubt this to be seen as a major design problem.

The Tegra chips which is strongly hinted at as powering the next handheld device is known to operate up to a 1080p (Full HD) resolution… this however is only tested on a single screen format and goes back to my previous posts regarding a single screen large enough to emulate DS games.

(Sorry have to edit to add more as just seen a load of posts as I been in meetings)

1. The Tegra 2 chip introduces dual core processing which while great for most things would be extremely battery intensive, it would be great if Nintendo could include this but I expect it to use the Tegra (2600)core, it's cheaper, more freely available and still runs at some speed.... not as fast as the Snapdragon processor and is designed for NAND Flash storage....

2. (edit - sorry for the amendments) I did post that maybe the inclusion of a dedicated graphics card but one of the developers has just strolled round and was talking to them about something else and then got on the subject of this and he said... "Nah, it's down as a single unit, no graphics controller... think of the drain fool!"

3. Possible inclusion of touch resistance technology first hinted at the rumble stylus... the screen would operate much like the RIM storm by generating a gentle vibration to provide feedback. Don't expect hand shaking but more responsive feedback.

4. No ability to download your old DS games to the internal storage, but I would be interested if the friend sharing scheme expands slightly, how cool would it be like the Zune that games are shared with your friends over wifi for free but expire after a given period.

( Edited 15.03.2010 17:00 by MightyHorace )

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Bill (guest) 16.03.2010#23

I Smilie When some people actually think Nintendo will wait until 2012 to release a next-gen DS successor.

so, it's a handheld Wii more or less...

Echoes221 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Here's something to speculate on:
What type of touch screen will it use, if any? Will they go with the current pressure-sensitive touchscreen, or go with what iPod and most phones use, which (to the best that I'll be able to explain it with the limited knowledge I have, forgive me if I'm wrong) utilizes some form of completing currents? There are pros and cons of both, but I think in the end, the current completion tends to be more responsive. Especially if the system comes with a stylus that will work for it.

Only the iPod touch/phone uses heat sensitive screens, as they have that tech 'patented' I think. All other phones work by pressure. The DS needs to work by pressure as I don't want to use my finger for every thing, it will get in the way too much.

I'm pretty sure a ton of phones use non-pressure sensitive touch screens. So do touch-screen monitors. It's not heat for the iPhone, either way. Use an aluminum rod, and it works. It's based on electrical current, or something.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

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