New Zelda Wii Suggested for Q3/4 2010

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.02.2010 17

New Zelda Wii Suggested for Q3/4 2010 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's been a strong week for Nintendo, confirming a new Mario and Metroid in the first half of 2010. Could a new Zelda grace the second?

Speaking with, Nintendo of America's Cammie Dunaway praised the company's line-up for the first half of 2010, which includes a new Mario and Metroid game for Wii. Dunaway also suggests at an equally strong second half, seemingly hinting at the prospect of a the new Zelda Wii game popping up before the end of the year.

We all benefit if we can keep a pretty steady pace, so the development teams have worked hard to make sure that we've got a full lineup this year. If you compare the first half of 2010 with the first half of 2009, it's night and day.

From some of the things that Mr. Iwata has talked about, and that we will talk about at E3, like Zelda, you know that we're going to have a good back half of the year, as well.

Do you think Zelda Wii would make it into 2010? What do you think of the current line-up so far? Would a new Zelda complete your cravings, or can you be prepared to wait?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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Nintendo have asserted Zelda Wii's 2010 launch multiple times now. If it gets delayed they're going to look very stupid for doing it again, so for their sake I hope they make it! Smilie

( Edited 22.06.2013 12:33 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

They'd be stumped for showing anything new at E3 if this isn't the case...somewhat obvious if you ask me. Probably Q4 I'd reckon along with something that'll do the hardcore and the casual, Pikmin 3 perhaps? And lots of shovelware.

( Edited 22.06.2013 12:33 by Guest )

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

the fact the top franchises are being pushed for mid year and not xmas leads me to think they have to have something pretty big up their sleeves.

Might make it more likely that zelda will get released on time. What company would leave themselves with no aces at one of the biggest spending periods of the year

( Edited 22.06.2013 12:33 by Guest )

Sounds like a near guarantee that we'll get Zelda in time for Christmas. In which case I will definitely be getting it. Finally, a good year for the Wii.

( Edited 07.01.2013 04:16 by Guest )

G@MIE (guest) 26.02.2010#5

Yes, i think Zelda wil come out in 2010... in Japan or USA. For us EU, we're getting it Q1 2011

NOA is hinting at it, now? Interesting. I figured it'd be out in Japan, but nowhere else. I'm hoping for a simultaneous release, for you guys, too.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

So with all these big titles out this year were going to be in a bad year in 2011, the wii wont have anything, unless they announce kid icarus,f zero or something

vivisapprentice said:
So with all these big titles out this year were going to be in a bad year in 2011, the wii wont have anything, unless they announce kid icarus,f zero or something

Next year will be all about the DS2. Smilie

Yeah I agree with Wayne, 2011 is all about next gen. The years sure have gone by fast since the Wii was released.

I hope it gets delayed. With all the games coming out I could do without Zelda, and 2010 just feels a bit too soon IMO. We only saw the first piece of artwork last year, so either they have been keeping this one under wraps moreso than the others, or the turnaround is faster than expected.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

For some reasons, back in the n64 year-long delay days, the games felt more perfected in a sense. That amount of delay was well worth the wait back then, and I believe it still is now. I don't want a rocking good game, I want perfection.

And I'll wait another great one and a half years if I have to Smilie

I dont care when it is. Just as long as its ready.

Yeah I agree with Wayne, 2011 is all about next gen.

God, I hope not.

( Edited 26.02.2010 21:48 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Lynk said:
I hope it gets delayed. With all the games coming out I could do without Zelda, and 2010 just feels a bit too soon IMO. We only saw the first piece of artwork last year, so either they have been keeping this one under wraps moreso than the others, or the turnaround is faster than expected.

When they make a Zelda game, when it's almost done, they split the team in half. One team finishes the game, and the other team starts the next Zelda game. Twilight Princess came out in 2006, meaning they've been working on this game for almost four years, now, which is about how long they took between Wind Waker and TP.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Wind Waker was clearly rushed, imho. TP came accross as more complete, but they had the Wind Waker engine to work from.
Now I'm sure they are using the TP engine for this, but at the same time I'm hoping for massive improvements with the animation system to allow really neat motion plus gameplay.

4 years might be enough, but I wouldn't automatically say so... especially since they have only had motion plus finalised for part of that time. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+


That may be so, but we have normally seen a lot more than what we have at this point. If it makes 2010, I will be surprised, it will either be 2011 or E3 will be a massive blowout with Nintendo keeping their hand close to their chest until now.

( Edited 28.02.2010 16:03 by Lynk )

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Seeing how SMG2 and Metroid: Other M were kept very close to the chest, I think it's possible.

The biggest problem could be Euro translation.

While it is likely Nintendo is trying to save space for a Zelda title later this year, the likelihood of them for saving space for 3rd parties is as legitimate claim as is the former.

I'm convinced last year's lackluster big Wii-titles from Nintendo was a test to see if the console/software-titles could be laid on the hands of 3rd-party titles as much as it was for them to focus on polishing the titles they were responsible.

However, I also sense a very big, ominous Nintendo-shark is coming out during the red ocean buying session (October-December). This time, also acting as a test to see if it helps the smaller 3rd-parties fishes to get their sales numbers slightly more up then the previous year.

All in all, Nintendo has stopped surprising me and the evil grin I used to have as a battle-hardened Nintendo-fanboy veteran is almost all but gone.

Oh, and so awesome to see I can follow the discussion with an RSS-reader. Thanks, admins/mods for providing that option.

( Edited 03.04.2010 01:16 by Amon )

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