Zelda Wii Hopefully Playable at E3

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.02.2010 10

Zelda Wii Hopefully Playable at E3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Zelda Wii set to appear at E3 2010, producer Eiji Aonuma recently expressed his hopes to have the game playable by then.

In an interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu, Iwata brought up the next Zelda once again, re-confirming a reworking of the combat system with MotionPlus in mind. The swordplay, swinging and combat feel like "Link and you are one" he said, even hinting that the way you defeat certain enemies would be key to solving certain puzzles.

More excitingly, the team are hoping to be able to put together a working demo for E3 attendees to compliment the expected debut trailer and screens.

If that isn't enough, Aonuma also noted that he's trying to push the team for an earlier release date - revealing that without his push, Spirit Tracks would have hit stores this Spring.

With that in mind, do you think Zelda Wii will arrive in time for Christmas 2010, or perhaps an early 2011 New Year's treat?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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My God... I CANNOT wait for this! Smilie Hopefully they can pull off an epic playable version for E3.

I can't believe it. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, and a new Legend of Zelda in the same year?! It's too good to be true. Surely something is going to be delayed. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

I'm concerned about Motion Plus being used for swordplay.

In Wii Sports Resort, you had to keep re-calibrating it, so it stayed in sync. I think it would detract from the game experience if you had to keep re-syncing it after every battle.

I'd at least like Nintendo to put in other control methods, for those who wish to play a more traditional way.

I hope Cammie demoes it.
She'll make Link's new pet dog look super duper cute.

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I think that the game will re-calibrate the controller without anyone even realising, I think Red Steel 2 will use the same method aswell, like when you're walking around without using the weapon or an item, it'll re-calibrate itself.

Looking forward to see how this turns out, it's been in development for a long time.

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Marzy said:
I'm concerned about Motion Plus being used for swordplay.

In Wii Sports Resort, you had to keep re-calibrating it, so it stayed in sync. I think it would detract from the game experience if you had to keep re-syncing it after every battle.

I'd at least like Nintendo to put in other control methods, for those who wish to play a more traditional way.

Gawd I hate that re-calibirate crap, I hope its not like this with the new zelda Smilie

It's possible that the reason Wii Sports required you to calibrate the remote so often was because you would be switching players a lot. That may not be an issue here. Regardless, I have confidence that Nintendo will get the gameplay right.

I just want to know more about the story and unique features.

Toon SuperLink said:
I hope Cammie demoes it.
She'll make Link's new pet dog look super duper cute.

The most useless woman in Nintendo HQ! She needs to get FIRED!

MechaG2 said:
My God... I CANNOT wait for this! Smilie Hopefully they can pull off an epic playable version for E3.

I can't believe it. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, and a new Legend of Zelda in the same year?! It's too good to be true. Surely something is going to be delayed. Smilie

Galaxy 2 i would say should hit this year, i mean the game has been in development and the concept is fairly old as its just based on the original.

Other M could get delayed in Europe and i really cannot see Zelda hitting this year, although it sounds like it could. What a great year for the Wii if it can happen though!

I wouldn't have minded had Spirit Tracks come out later, especially if it meant that they would've smoothed over those god-awful trains segments and lazy storyline. I'd rather wait years for a Zelda game and have it be absolutely amazing than get it sooner and be disappointed. I kinda thought that was sort of a calling card of this franchise.

Marzy said:
I'm concerned about Motion Plus being used for swordplay.

In Wii Sports Resort, you had to keep re-calibrating it, so it stayed in sync. I think it would detract from the game experience if you had to keep re-syncing it after every battle.

I'd at least like Nintendo to put in other control methods, for those who wish to play a more traditional way.

Yeah, but wasn't that the first game to use it? Maybe the technology wasn't 100% done, yet.

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I'm also pretty confident that Nintendo will sort out the WM+ calibration. You'd expect that the pointer would be able to handle that.

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