Comparison Shots of the Nintendo DSi XL/LL

By Adam Riley 25.01.2010 11

Comparison Shots of the Nintendo DSi XL/LL on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo released the original DS in Europe back on 11th March 2005, followed by the revised Nintendo DS Lite on 23rd June, 2006 and the upgraded DSi system on 3rd April. Now, though, Nintendo is gearing up for the release of the Nintendo DSi XL (or LL as it is known as in Japan). An impressive 93% larger than the DSi, the idea in Japan was to have the increased-size model appeal to an older demographic; one that may not find reading the smaller DSi screens too easy.

So far the end result has been extremely successful, with the XL's sales not eating into those of the standard DSi at all. Since launching back in Japan on 21st November, 2009, the system has sold around 600,000 units and as of last week's Media Create hardware figures, sale numbers so far for 2010 stand at 169,931 for the DSi and 146,282 for the DSi XL. Therefore, Nintendo's attempt to tap into a marketplace that may have shied away from the portable gaming scene seems to have worked perfectly.

In the run up to the 5th March release in Europe Cubed3 has been given the chance to take a look at the Japanese XL model. Below are a few shots of the system in general:

Finally, below is a comparison shot between the entire DS family, going from Nintendo DS at the top-left, followed by (in a clockwise fashion) the Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo DSi and finally the Nintendo DSi XL (or LL as it is known in Japan). There are plenty of additional images in the media folder at the bottom of this story. Click on the following image to enlarge the DS family shot:

Is the Nintendo DSi XL something that is definitely on your radar?

Box art for Nintendo DSi XL (LL)








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Man, the original DS is so ugly. The DSi XL looks kinda weird too because of it being bigger but the buttons being the same size. Looks like something you would find in the 90s.

A guy (guest) 25.01.2010#2

DSi XL = in my radar Smilie

~ MegaBoyX2 ~ (guest) 25.01.2010#3

Hi, I read this off GN thanks for the comparision with the other DSes, I can't believe how much bigger it is than the DS Lite and even the first DS Gray!! It is astonishing to say the least it's like going backwards than forwards in these days of having gagets going smaller!

I have one question about the XL itself? Are the screen sizes a lot bigger? Does the picture look worse than the DS Lite or DS Gray? Because the DSi has bigger screens and it still looks good does the picture stretch? Is the sound different too

~ MegaBoyX2 ~

AdamC3 (guest) 25.01.2010#4

This is just a taster of what the system looks like. I'll be doing a proper write-up in the coming days, hopefully (time permitting!).

But I'll say this - I was shocked how good games look on it! No problems whatsoever. The filter system used does not make things blurry, so all your favourite games look just as good as before.

Buttons and sound are the same, as far as I can tell, by the way.

Theres still one thing making the original DS better, imho; The thumbstrap Smilie

Seriously though, playing some games without a thumbstrap or a table is just impossible. (Metroid/Mario64 especialy). <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I'd maybe get a DSi XL. Depends how they price it. If they price it wrong, I might just get one off the back of a lorry on the cheap.

Think I'll stick with my dsi at the moment, not really in any need for a new one.

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Wow that is quite big. I'm definitely happy with my DSL. Perfect size.

Nintendo DS Lite Console (guest) 27.01.2010#9

You can grab a DS Lite Console at $114.99 includes DS Lite Black and DS Lite Pink from
This is the best price so far on the net for a brand new ds lite console. Check it out now!

AdamC3 (guest) 27.01.2010#10

Nearly done with the write-up. It covers what to expect from the system, general DSi features for those unaware and any changes.

Hoping to have it done by tomorrow at the latest...Thanks for the feedback on this so far.

For those that have not checked it out yet, here is the full, in-depth overview of the DSi XL:

Feedback is more than welcome Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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