Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: Reflex Brings in the Players

By Calum Peak 07.01.2010 10

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: Reflex Brings in the Players on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was released to XBOX360 and PS3 back in 2007, the Wii has since seen the release of the 'Reflex' edition two years later. Even if the game itself is two years old, punters who have snapped it up have been playing it on average for 17 hours, 22 minutes. Since January 1 however, that average is now nearer the 25 hour mark per player.

Comparative to this, Call of Duty: World at War has an average play time of 51 hours, the only games to top this are Super Smash Bros Brawl (74 hours), Animal Crossing City Folk (68 hours) and Guitar Hero III (58 hours). With the increase in play time, it seems that Modern Warfare Reflex may soon catch up to the top played Wii games as players stay fixated on the on-line multi-player.

Though it seems Reflex has a long way to go in the grand scheme of things. So far, players have logged (cumulatively) 237,615 hours of game-play time, compare this to World at War which has more than 7 million hours. Considering the time these two titles have been on the market, World at War has a large head start.

However, all times are tallied by the Nintendo Channel, so only users who have the channel and/or log on frequently to it are included in the data. It's highly likely that game-play time is much higher than the figures stated.

Reflex also sold an impressive 81,000 copies in its first month at retail in North America - proving there is some life still for third party mature games.

Do you think Modern Warfare: Reflex will become one of the top played Wii games and will the on-line keep players coming back for more?

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I guess... God I hate games' that sole attraction is online play. Damn Wow. Smilie

satsubatsu347 said:
I guess... God I hate games' that sole attraction is online play. Damn Wow. Smilie

That's quite an irrelavent comment as cod4 single player is spectacular, personally I've played it through about 3 times because it's just fun from start to finish.

I played Modern Warfare on the Xbox 360 the other day, and frankly, I wasn't that impressed at all.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

The game also sold around 81,000 in the US in its first month, which isn't bad at all for a port of a two-year-old game. It's also doing quite well here in the UK.

Overall Activision should be happy with its performance!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

It\'s probably the best game on Wii. Certainly the best online game. The only reason I wouldn\'t want to play it is that I can\'t be arsed with unique 12-digit friend codes for each game. If I only had a Wii, though - I\'d be all over this like a fly over shit.

( Edited 07.01.2010 06:50 by Martin_ )

Good stuff - definitely shows that if a publisher puts out a game, even if it's a port, that sticks to how the original played, i.e. not an on rails spin-off and does decent marketing it does pretty well on Wii.

If it were a new/exclusive CoD I'm sure it would do even better.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I really hope this sells a lot more copies then RE chronicles. If a year old port of a proper FPS outperforms a new resident evil onrails game it demos what the hardcore audience are thirsty for.

Im still waiting for a new FPS made for the wii or at least released onto the wii with the PS3/360 versions. Might pick this up after I get Red Steel 2.

Martin_ said:
It's probably the best game on Wii. Certainly the best online game. The only reason I wouldn't want to play it is that I can't be arsed with unique 12-digit friend codes for each game. If I only had a Wii, though - I'd be all over this like a fly over shit.

...did you just try to say it's the best game for Wii and the best online game for Wii and you don't even OWN a Wii?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

satsubatsu347 said:
I guess... God I hate games' that sole attraction is online play. Damn Wow. Smilie

*points at Team Fortress 2* What about games that are ONLY online?

byakuya723 (guest) 04.10.2010#10

who wants to share there fc to meSmilie

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