New! Super Mario Bros. Wii Goes Red

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.11.2009 18

New! Super Mario Bros. Wii Goes Red on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are really going all-out with the latest side-scrolling Mario game, with an all new Wii box colour and style.

Instead of your bog-standard white box, copies of New! Super Mario Bros. Wii will come in a gorgeous red case, complete with a swanky disc of the brothers and their toad chums.

Image for New! Super Mario Bros. Wii Goes Red

Thanks to Kotaku.

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. Wii





2D Platformer



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It's like the Double Dash case.

I am compelled to buy this even more now. See what physical packaging does to consumers?

In the US, Double Dash was released in a regular case. No GCN game was released in a color case.

( Edited 10.11.2009 21:57 by PMD )

wow that is beast. now i really want to get it! hope its really fun Smilie

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I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out
Guest 10.11.2009#5

WOW! Nintendo is great man, I love that company. Do you even realise how much effort this took? They probably had to set up a new factory or something with machines to make these red boxes.
Fuck yeah!

I mean, they could have just put the game in a white box. But they didn't, awesome! Smilie

Shame the box art is ass.

knighty said:
Shame the box art is ass.

Agreed. Love the red case though.

Forget the case, check that disc! Smilie

PMD said:
I am compelled to buy this even more now. See what physical packaging does to consumers?

In the US, Double Dash was released in a regular case. No GCN game was released in a color case.

I have a UK Pal Promo Copy of Double Dash and it is indeed in a red case - it came with Manual and Nintendo VIP Card but didn't come with the safety leaflet or any other Nintendo advert card that may have came in the case. Probably because it was for promo.

No Wii case up to date had another packaging as white, at least here in Europe. I remember Zelda on GCN, which was golden during its initial release.

It's looking very shilish. Case and disk are great. Cool!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Well, LEGO games came on a yellow box

Guest 11.11.2009#12

I love the first line of this news article about Nintendo \'really going all out\'.

Some lovely sarcasm there Jorge.Smilie

( Edited 11.11.2009 15:56 by Josef )

And so did Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.

Maybe mario galaxy 2 will have a dark blue case, mario sunshine had a blue case.

I guess the red will make it stick out more on shelves atleast.

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I'll buy it anyway. Which reminds me, about time to preorder!

Case looks awesome and the game looks alot more fun then New super mario bros. Still a bit dissapointed with the lack of unlockable characters but oh well.
May get this when it goes down in price a bit.

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Sketch (guest) 13.11.2009#17

those toad's tick me off. (lack of effort on ninty's part.) now I got to look at them on the disc everytime I play...........

guest (guest) 25.02.2012#18

it is a hard game but fun

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