Pearl Harbor Trilogy Coming to WiiWare

By Adam Riley 17.09.2009

Pearl Harbor Trilogy Coming to WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Legendo Entertainment, an independent publisher of computer and video games head-quartered in Sweden, today announced that Pearl Harbor Trilogy, an episodic air combat action game series, is in development for Wii. The game is a re-interpretation of Legendo's popular PC title "Attack on Pearl Harbor" - with the first episode, "Red Sun Rising," planned for a Winter 2009 release on WiiWare. Developed by Legendo, it is being made in co-operation with Arcade Moon, the Wii specialist label of 3D People, an independent game developer located in Slovakia.

A website for the game has been launched at where news and other information will be posted continuously throughout the development phase.

"We have tamed the innards of the Wii to make its GPU glow red-hot as we're shooting for 60 FPS aerial dogfight action using all the tricks in the book."
- Stanislav Petri, Aerial Star Programmer at Arcade Moon.

"The Wii Remote controller is a perfect match for aerial combat - we are currently trying a variety of control-schemes to see what works best, we want to bring players as close as possible to flying in their living rooms."
- Bjorn Larsson, Executive Producer and head of lots of other things at Legendo Entertainment.

In the premiere episode, "Red Sun Rising," players will be dropped into the cockpit of famous USAAF World War II fighter aircraft - including the legendary P-40 Warhawk and the carrier-capable F4U Corsair as they battle with Japanese A6M2 Zero fighters and Aichi D3A Val dive-bombers in daring dogfights during bitterly contested air battles of the Pacific Theater, including Pearl Harbor, Wake Island and the Battle of Midway.

Box art for Pearl Harbor Trilogy - 1941: Red Sun Rising



Arcade Moon





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