Special Collectors Edition for Metroid Prime Trilogy

By Shane Jury 25.06.2009 22

Special Collectors Edition for Metroid Prime Trilogy on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have unveiled the Box for the US release of the Metroid Prime Trilogy compilation, with a Special Edition Tin and Art Booklet.

Set for US release on the 24th of August, and a couple of weeks after for Europe, Nintendo will be packaging the 3-in-one Wii Disc inside one heck of a sweet cover; three classic games for a regular Wii game's price, and a great box to match!

The main Cardbard Sleeve for the tin, back and front;

Image for Special Collectors Edition for Metroid Prime Trilogy

Image for Special Collectors Edition for Metroid Prime Trilogy

and the Tin itself;

Image for Special Collectors Edition for Metroid Prime Trilogy

Image for Special Collectors Edition for Metroid Prime Trilogy

No pictures yet of the included Art Book, or news on whether this Edition will make it across the pond, but one has to assume it will given that this version is the only one to see release in the US.

Box art for Metroid Prime Trilogy





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Hmm, this, or this;

Image for

Fake it may be, but I can\'t decide which design I like more. Smilie

( Edited 25.06.2009 09:45 by Phoenixus )

It's really an easy choice: the one you post is fake. What good is a fake mock-up?

That's a sweet box. Gorgeous tin. I wonder how expensive the tinned version will be.

Seriously! Why does everyone like this? It's just fucking awful, and clearly a fake.

I really hope this is just the usa box they all have have really shit one's

Jump_button said:
I really hope this is just the usa box they all have have really shit one's

Something Jump and I agree on? Holy crap!

If its real that is sweet, It probably won't come out in the UK, but heres hoping Smilie

Our member of the week

I hope a collector's edition comes out in Europe as well, even though not necessarily the same, cuz' it's not so beautiful...

But even if we get the same, i'd go for the collector's edition anyway, just for the "collector" factor Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Im not sure if i should trade in my Cube versions and Wii version of the game and get the triology...i wonder if it would be worth while Smilie

White Ranger said:
Im not sure if i should trade in my Cube versions and Wii version of the game and get the triology...i wonder if it would be worth while Smilie
Who would pay much for the originals when they can get the improved versions for the Wii?
But I guess it's worth a try. Smilie Now that you mention it, I might actually try that myself.

I don't care about the box, I'm still getting the trilogy.
3 for 1 of one of the best FPS games I've played?
I'm for it.

Thumbs up, motherfuckers!
Well played, Nintendo. You had us worried there for a while.

Going to double dip with these. No way this is not going up on my shelf.Smilie

I... AM... SO... GETTING.

EVERYONE will get the tin. This is not a "special edition" as in The Conduit Gamestop exclusive that only has a limited run. This is a "special edition" in which EVERY COPY of the game will get the splipcase and the Tin since they're trying to get those that already own one, two or all three of these games to purchase them again... and since I sold Prime 1 and 2 about a year ago and still own Prime 3... I guess I'll trade 3 to go into part of the cost of MPT.

White Ranger said:
Im not sure if i should trade in my Cube versions and Wii version of the game and get the triology...i wonder if it would be worth while Smilie

I was going to do that. And that tin looks good.

Do want. 'Nuff said!Smilie

Omg give me tin plz XD I love the design of the tin, probably get rid of the cover

Doesn't look too bad. A definite purchase from me.

German Amazon - amazon.de
UK Amazon - amazon.co.uk

So it really is worldwide - at least Europe gets it, too.
But look at the price of the German version. 70 EUR. Sorry, but a game for Wii costs 50 EUR. I am not getting it for 70. I will get it for 40 GBP, thou. Thanks for importing...
Edit: Beware, the price in Germany is laid in by a reseller, not Amazon.de itself. I hope I don\'t have to pay more then 50 bucks for it.

Hey, Phoenixus. I like the artwork of the fake. It\'s great...

( Edited 26.06.2009 09:15 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

€70 for this? No way.

This is $50 in the US right?

I agree that the fake version looks better from a stylistic standpoint, but boxarts are meant to sell the game, not be displayed in your ultra-modern, white-walled penthouse loft.

So... well... it's a sleeve and a normal plastic box for Europe, am I right?

Big Gee (guest) 17.02.2010#22

im getting it best game i have ever played in my 17 year life !!!!!!!!!

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