E309 | New Zelda for Nintendo Wii

By James Temperton 03.06.2009 39

E309 | New Zelda for Nintendo Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

IGN reports on the press roundtable that Shigeru Miyamoto hosted at E309, where he talked a little about the new Zelda title coming to Wii. Whilst no big details were discussed, he did reveal a couple of things. First of all, we'll be seeing the game at E3 next year and secondly that it will more than likely use Wii MotionPlus.

From the article:

7:05 p.m.: "There are people who think of Zelda more as an RPG with simpler controls, so trying to figure out how to make everybody happy is something that's going to concern me," says Miyamoto.

7:05 p.m.: "Think of Zelda while you're trying some of the archery and sword play in Wii Sports Resort," Miyamoto say.

7:04 p.m.: "We'd like to make it compatible with Wii MotionPlus. It's quite possible it will be playable only with Wii MotionPlus."

7:03 p.m.: Shows new illustration for the next Zelda for Wii. Nothing to show yet, but it shows an adult link. More grown up than ever before.

What would you like to see in a new Zelda game on Wii? Let us know by commenting below...

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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Well we already knew it was coming, but that makes my week a bit better. Still theres plenty of games to get this our hands on:
The Conduit
Wii Sports Resort
Red Steel 2
Super Mario Galaxy 2 ( U R MR GAY 2 )
Golden Sun
Metroid Other M (Jizzed in my pants)
Mario Bros Wii (best be online)
Dead Space Extraction
etc etc

It's hardly like we have nothing to play

That makes 5 new Nintendo games announced at E3 that are must have games, Nintendo did really well this year.Smilie

7:05 p.m.: "Think of Zelda while you're trying some of the archery and sword play in Wii Sports Resort," Miyamoto say.

After seeing Wii Sports Resort yesterday, I was very impressed by it. Using Motion-Plus in a new Zelda effectively, could be really good.

I want miyamoto not to compromise on taking the controls in a new direction by trying to please every one. In a word you can't. If people want a light rpg with simple controls but another wants a more intricate motion plus experience and another wants a fpsword game he wont please them all. Unless he had customisation built in which isnt very miyamoto.

Personally I think an FPsword game would be a step too far. I like the idea that it will play like wii resort sword game. But I think it should control pretty much the same and not be restricted just to make it simple.

So far im not sold on the archery in wii resort so I dont want it in zelda at the moment. But I will play resort and see. It would compromise speed and accuracy somewhat. I cant imagine pulling the nunchuck towards yourself being as fun as slashing away.

But mostly you need to drop some of those all too familiar moments in zelda games of late. Forget the whole captured by thieves and escaping from their dungeon its becoming a cliche.

No more big bosses with the repetitive patterns some games have progressed past that.

No more midi music.

No more items that are there for one boss and one dungeon

Perhaps new races apart from the gorons and so on.

maybe a LOTR type battle for middle earth ending.

Perhaps your new element could be flying for this. Mythical creatures or weird looking flying machine like FF9 had on the PS1

Smiliewhy was this now show it will had be a good cherry on top to end with

It was confirmed ages ago.
Nice for a recomfirmation.

oh, and Zelda isnt anything like an RPG.
Its an action adventure.

If Zelda is an RPG, so is Metroid.
And probably Mario too.

Calling it a light/simple RPG does it a huge diservice. RPG\'s are normaly longer, have more complex storys....but they are also far more repedative. You cant do nearly as much in a typical RPG as you can in Zelda.

Zelda is a game about gaining abilitys to manipulating the enviroment, and your movement in it.
Its not about getting marginaly better stats at killing someone in a marginaly different way.

Zelda should stay focused to its core;
Exploration and manipulation.

Improve the physics, make the enviroments more interactive, make the items feel more controllable.

But please dont move it one itto more towards stat-building. (aside from the basic heart pieces, that is, which can be seen as stat building as a reward for solving/exoploring enviroment puzzles).

oh, and stylewise more towards Steampunk please!
(allthough they have been slowly evoleing hyrule in that direction anyway).

( Edited 03.06.2009 11:39 by Darkflame )

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I remember NOM called Mario 64 an RPG once. That was funny.

The new Zelda is a perfect way to revolutionise the series, and I hope they do just that. However, I do have some brewing worries:

Would MotionPlus REALLY benefit the experience? This is a whole game using a sword, and I don't want Link's wrist to be constantly waggling around on screen because of my movements, it would look really awkward.

Image for

That's a sneaky photo of some concept art for the new Zelda. Link has something on his back, and he looks a bit older.
- Link looks right handed there. Which makes me really pissed off. Why change what is arguably the essence of a character for the sake of "pretend immersion"? It's BS.
- Looks like Twilight Princess Link, meaning this amazing game we've been waiting for may just be a sequel... But! (and an important but) Majora's Mask was the sequel to OoT, and also the best Zelda ever made, which redeems the idea of a sequel instantly.

Thoughts on pic?

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Remeber SL, that link is right handed in the Wii games because the Wii remote is held in the Right hand. Thats the reason for it, otherwise it would seem weird with link doing the reverse action of what you are doing.
In the Cube TP he was left handed. It's just the way it is.

Echoes221 said:
Remeber SL, that link is right handed in the Wii games because the Wii remote is held in the Right hand. Thats the reason for it, otherwise it would seem weird with link doing the reverse action of what you are doing.

It wouldn't seem weird. It's flipped for false immersion and nothing else. TP replaces button presses with simple waggle. I understand this may be a different case to TP (which was just stupid) but they should atleast make a Lefty/canon mode.

Otherwise this Zelda title is automatically refuted from the series canon. Smilie

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SuperLink said:

- Link looks right handed there. Which makes me really pissed off. Why change what is arguably the essence of a character for the sake of "pretend immersion"? It's BS.

The essence of Link's character? Link has always been a stale, 2-bit hero. He's hardly "Blondie" or some other great anti-hero. It makes no difference if he's left or right handed as it adds to dept to the void where his personality should be.

Angus said:
The essence of Link's character? Link has always been a stale, 2-bit hero. He's hardly "Blondie" or some other great anti-hero. It makes no difference if he's left or right handed as it adds to dept to the void where his personality should be.

You didn't get what I meant. Link, currently, is about as characterful as Mario or old Sonic. Silent, likeable and most of all iconic.

OK, so making him right handed isn't like taking away his tunic, or turning Sonic green, but it is like taking away Mario's gloves or Sonic's shoes. Something that fans of the series actually care about, and like the consistency of.

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But how many people do actually care? I respect that you do, as I hate the break in consistency in certain films, such as bad Western Jackie Chan films (Around the World in 80 Days). But I hadn't even noticed that Link was left handed until the matter arose at E3 when TP was on exhibition. Link himself is iconic but I never saw his left-handedness as a defining trait, especially not to the degree of Sonic or Mario's clothing.

Angus said:
But how many people do actually care? I respect that you do, as I hate the break in consistency in certain films, such as bad Western Jackie Chan films (Around the World in 80 Days). But I hadn\'t even noticed that Link was left handed until the matter arose at E3 when TP was on exhibition. Link himself is iconic but I never saw his left-handedness as a defining trait, especially not to the degree of Sonic or Mario\'s clothing.

To be honest I never really noticed Mario\'s gloves either. They\'re unnoticable but they\'re still an important part of his design.

But a lot of Zelda fans would care, and whether they care or not, the matter of consistency is still very much apparant. Especially if this is the Twilight Princess sequel it looks like. Why is Link suddenly right handed when he was left handed in TP?

( Edited 03.06.2009 14:13 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
Angus said:
But how many people do actually care? I respect that you do, as I hate the break in consistency in certain films, such as bad Western Jackie Chan films (Around the World in 80 Days). But I hadn't even noticed that Link was left handed until the matter arose at E3 when TP was on exhibition. Link himself is iconic but I never saw his left-handedness as a defining trait, especially not to the degree of Sonic or Mario's clothing.

To be honest I never really noticed Mario's gloves either. They're unnoticable but they're still an important part of his design.

But a lot of Zelda fans would care, and whether they care or not, the matter of consistency is still very much apparant. Especially if this is the Twilight Princess sequel it looks like. Why is Link suddenly right handed when he was left handed in TP?

Stop throwing your toys around.

Swinging your right arm with a left handed swordsmen would look slightly akward, especially with the motion control stuff. Its just generally easier and cleaner to change it to using his right hand. I severely doub they're gunna make the game with two modes just to cater for the small amount of Elitist fans who refuse to have any change in his character :/.

And it looks good to me, gives us something to look forward to at next years e3

Aki-T spilt the water.

TaoFire said:
I severely doub they're gunna make the game with two modes just to cater for the small amount of Elitist fans who refuse to have any change in his character :/.

What about the lefties? Smilie

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SuperLink said:
TaoFire said:
I severely doub they\'re gunna make the game with two modes just to cater for the small amount of Elitist fans who refuse to have any change in his character :/.

What about the lefties? Smilie

I\'m left handed, but I still use the Wii-mote in my right hand. My brother is too and he does the same.

I always thought lefties just used it like right-handed people did.

( Edited 03.06.2009 14:50 by Marzy )

Hopefully the game makes a 2010 release. Mario, Zelda and Metroid all in one year would be great. Smilie

Its weird I\'m left handed but if I play FPS I will hold the remote in my right hand. If I play wii tennis- left hand. SO any actions will be done by the left. pointing by the right. Left handers generally are more flexible.

I think this whole topic of what hand link holds his sword isnt that important. I never thought of it as an integral part of his identity. To me he is the adorable mute boy with the world on his shoulders lol.

Nintendo have no excuse not to offer an option of switching hands for the game.

( Edited 03.06.2009 15:04 by meeto_0 )

Would MotionPlus REALLY benefit the experience? This is a whole game using a sword, and I don\'t want Link\'s wrist to be constantly waggling around on screen because of my movements, it would look really awkward.

For puzzles, yes it would.

( Edited 03.06.2009 15:48 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Would MotionPlus REALLY benefit the experience? This is a whole game using a sword, and I don\'t want Link\'s wrist to be constantly waggling around on screen because of my movements, it would look really awkward.

It wouldn\'t have to really. Motion-Plus wouldn\'t have to be constantly attached to Links arm. When you want to slice an enemy, you could just hold down the B button maybe. Then once you let go, Links arms return to a neutral position. Then whilst running they would move up down like they would on other Zelda games.

That\'s how I could see it working anyway.

( Edited 03.06.2009 16:11 by Marzy )

@ meeto_0
I agree that FPsword is taking things too far, and they definitely need to ditch the MIDI music for good. It really takes away from things.

@ Darkflame
I don't think they need to go totally steampunk with this game. I think it would look too much like they're trying to emulate someone else. I do like the splashes of steampunkishness here and there, but they don't really need to adopt it as the overall style. It's already been done.

SuperLink said:
Angus said:
But how many people do actually care? I respect that you do, as I hate the break in consistency in certain films, such as bad Western Jackie Chan films (Around the World in 80 Days). But I hadn't even noticed that Link was left handed until the matter arose at E3 when TP was on exhibition. Link himself is iconic but I never saw his left-handedness as a defining trait, especially not to the degree of Sonic or Mario's clothing.

To be honest I never really noticed Mario's gloves either. They're unnoticable but they're still an important part of his design.

But a lot of Zelda fans would care, and whether they care or not, the matter of consistency is still very much apparant. Especially if this is the Twilight Princess sequel it looks like. Why is Link suddenly right handed when he was left handed in TP?

He wasn't left handed in Twilight Princes on the Wii SL, only on the gamecube, thats what I was trying to reiterate before. To get my point across, Play metroid prime 3 and use the remote in your left hand instead of right, it feel really wrong beacuse samus holds her gun in her right hand = Same principle as Twilight Princess.

Echoes221 said:
He wasn't left handed in Twilight Princes on the Wii SL, only on the gamecube, thats what I was trying to reiterate before. To get my point across, Play metroid prime 3 and use the remote in your left hand instead of right, it feel really wrong beacuse samus holds her gun in her right hand = Same principle as Twilight Princess.

If Samus' gun was in her right hand and I was left handed, I play right handed anyway for continuity's sake. Smilie

Not to mention I'm not talking about the Wii version when I say TP. The Wii version was flipped, not the GC one. The GC one is the proper game, he's only right handed to create a false sense of immersion, especially since the waggle only replaces regular button presses.

I admit it'd be different with motionplus, but I sure hope this is retconned somehow for the fans' sakes.

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Its not a story issue at all.
Multiple links...different hands.

However, the game SHOULD support left handed people as much as right.

Just a global flip to the character and inputs shouldnt be too hard. I dont see why the landscape needs to flip for that.

Would MotionPlus REALLY benefit the experience? This is a whole game using a sword, and I don\'t want Link\'s wrist to be constantly waggling around on screen because of my movements,

Motion Plus would hugely benifit the game.

Personaly, Id have it so you can do a quick slash, TP style.

But have it so if you hold a specific button, the sword switchs to 1:1, and you can use it more precisely. (which might be nesscery for harder enemys, or even to cut stuff up in ways nesscery to solve a puzzle).

Personaly, I always thought carving runes with your sword would be a nice way for magic to work. Say, carve a rune into a rock for fire, and it bursts into flames, incinerating enemys and burning stuff attached.
Or carve a portal rune into that leads back to the start of a dungoen. etc.

Or purhapes carve channels into a surface to guide the flow of water, or oil.

Lots of possibilitys.

@ Darkflame
I don\'t think they need to go totally steampunk with this game. I think it would look too much like they\'re trying to emulate someone else. I do like the splashes of steampunkishness here and there, but they don\'t really need to adopt it as the overall style. It\'s already been done.

But just about all the styles...includeing zeldas...have been done as well.

Steampunk is a tech-type anyway, you dont have to have it like bio-shocky, Jurles-Verne type stuff is also just as applicable.

Its just the logical way Hyrule should evolve.
I cant think of any normal \"earth\" technologys looking correct. Electricity, cars, tanks...certainly nothing I want to see in Hyrule.

But funky ghibli-like flying machines?
Giant walking gollems with steam and water going everywhere?
Elgant clockwork roadsweeping stuff invented by some crazy guy?

I think those sorts of things got fit Hyrule very well.

( Edited 03.06.2009 18:23 by Darkflame )

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Darkflame said:
Its not a story issue at all.
Multiple links...different hands.

Not really. Every Link so far has been Left handed, and it\'s a character trait of his. Assuming there is a Zelda continuity, Link is reborn into new bodies, which is why he has so many similar attributes. He\'s always a Hylean, he\'s always blonde or light brunette, he\'s always got blue eyes, he\'s always left handed. Are they gonna start putting the Triforce on his left hand now too?

That\'s not even the worst of it. If this is a TP sequel like it looks like, then that means the same Link will magically change which hand he uses. Fantastic.

( Edited 03.06.2009 18:41 by SuperLink )

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