Media | Mya Singing?

By James Temperton 22.09.2003 1

Mya Sings
Who needs Tina Turner?

Electronic Arts announced today the music line-up for the upcoming videogame James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing. Recording star Mya will perform the original theme song, Everything or Nothing, for the latest videogame in the Bond franchise. The multi-talented Grammy-winning artist, Mya, will also appear in the game as the sultry Bond girl “Mya Starling”. Mya co-wrote and co-produced the song with Randy Bugnitz and A&M president Ron Fair, and three variations of the theme will appear in the game. Officially licensed by MGM Interactive, James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing is shipping under the EA GAMES brand for the PS2, Xbox, and the Nintendo GameCube, and Nintendo Game Boy Advance.

"It was a thrill being part of such a legendary franchise,” said Mya. “I've never screamed so much in my life. Maybe someday they'll make an Everything or Nothing movie that I'd love to be in.”

Additionally, Emmy nominated composer Sean Callery will provide the cinematic score for James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing. Mr. Callery has lent his talent to such television projects as La Femme Nikita and he is currently the composer for the hit television series 24, for which he recently received an Emmy nomination.

In James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing, players encounter evil villains, exotic locations, beautiful girls, fast cars, and high-tech gadgetry.

The game is scheduled to ship March 2004 in Europe.

Below we have some screens of Mya herself recording the soundtrack to the game. Note how she looks deep in thought and gurns rather masterfully upon each note; marvellous!


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