Tecmo: Fatal Frame 4 Denied for US

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.04.2009 15

Tecmo: Fatal Frame 4 Denied for US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Reggie said no, and now fans of the Fatal Frame (Project Zero) series in the US will not be seeing the game, according to Tecmo.

Earlier this month Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime spoke of how the decision for Fatal Frame 4 to come to the US was not down to Nintendo, as the company are "not the publisher of that title in the Americas." It's already definitely coming to Europe, so why not the US?

Speaking to IGN, a Tecmo representative revealed that it actually is down to Nintendo, as the company supposedly do have publishing rights. Oh dear.

Nintendo holds the publishing rights to 'Fatal Frame Wii,' which was developed by Tecmo LTD. and Grasshopper Manufacture and released in Japan on July 31, 2008. Nintendo of America has since then decided not to publish the title in North America - consequently, the title will not be released in this territory. As the owner of the IP, Tecmo feels very unfortunate that the fans of the series in North America will not have a chance to play the game, but respects the final decision made by Nintendo of America.

American Wii fans - do you want Fatal Frame 4 in the US? Why would Nintendo of America deny such a title?

Box art for Project Zero: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse
Also known as

Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse


Grasshopper Manufacture







C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (8 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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It wasn't Reggie that denied it. Iwata denied it for America. Reggie had no say on whether or not the game comes to America. So really NOA had no say in it.

( Edited 09.04.2013 06:46 by Guest )

It better come to Europe. It's one of the few Wii games I've been waiting for.

( Edited 09.04.2013 06:46 by Guest )


It better not be Reggie who denied this. He already screwed us out of Disaster Day of Crisis.

( Edited 09.04.2013 06:46 by Guest )

I wonder why everyone else and not the US..?

( Edited 19.12.2012 14:56 by Guest )

Whoever's making these stupid decisions need to be shot.

Trepe said:
It better come to Europe. It's one of the few Wii games I've been waiting for.

Definitely coming - confirmed via Tecmo to Adam (Jesusraz) an also via print ad.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's things like this happening so often for NoA recently that are making me think that Nintendo may be becoming like SEGA was in the Saturn days...

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So, if neither of them claims to have the rights, can I have them?

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What an absolutely pointless decision. Honestly. Who'd have thought that Europe would be getting the better end of the deal?

This is one of the few reasons why I hate Nintendo. It just seems like they like to kick their fans in the balls sometimes.

I'd shrug this off if Dead Rising for the Wii had a camera function.

But who knows... Maybe NoA will try to jam Pokémon Snap down our throats...

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

Didn't ANYONE read my post, it was the first one. Iwata is the one who denied it for the US, NOT REGGIE, NOT NOA! Disaster: Day of Crisis has the same story, NOA and Reggie did not have a say in the matter. Reggie and NOA only decide if it gets released AFTER Nintendo in Japan approves it for America.

edracon said:
Didn't ANYONE read my post, it was the first one. Iwata is the one who denied it for the US, NOT REGGIE, NOT NOA! Disaster: Day of Crisis has the same story, NOA and Reggie did not have a say in the matter. Reggie and NOA only decide if it gets released AFTER Nintendo in Japan approves it for America.

How do you know this for a fact though? Besides, why would Nintendo of Japan approve Fatal Frame for Europe and not America. If your logic was true then Nintendo of Japan has approved it for localization and NOE said yes and NOA said no.

Robertd1138 said:

How do you know this for a fact though? Besides, why would Nintendo of Japan approve Fatal Frame for Europe and not America. If your logic was true then Nintendo of Japan has approved it for localization and NOE said yes and NOA said no.

The game has no publisher for the states. That is why it is not being released here.
Here is how it would look like in RPG text;

NOA didn't know what was happening
NOJ did not inform them
NOA did nothing
Techmo does not ask NOA to publish
Techmo left with no publisher
Techmo complains, and then does nothing

It's how global companies work, if you don't believe me, ask my father's employers. Also, it seems the source of where I got my info on FF4 has changed it's story, and now blames it on Reggie and NOA, instead of Techmo--who didn't search for publishers, or ask for NOA to publish--is now doing nothing and is saying sorry to it's fans, and blaming NOA.

So my info was wrong on my first post.

edracon, that sounds like bullshit. Damn you, Reggie!!! Hate NOA! Who would ever think in the days of N64 that Europe would get some things Americas didn't.

scope1283 (guest) 10.08.2010#15

because NOA is scared that people in america will praise japan for such an awesome game

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