Nintendo Explains DSi Points Offer

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.03.2009 10

Nintendo Explains DSi Points Offer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has launched a page with instructions for new DSi users to redeem 1000 free points to download software/games.

Players who pick up the console in Europe and the US will be able to login to the DSi Shop on their brand-spanking new machine and receive approx £7/10 Euros worth of points to spend on anything in the virtual store.

The offer will run until October 5th 2009 for American/Canadian folk, and presumably a similar date for Europeans. According to Nintendo as long as you've accepted the points, they'll still work after expiration.

The console goes on sale from April 3rd in beautiful European shores, and shortly after from April 5th over in the US.

Image for Nintendo Explains DSi Points Offer

  • 1,000 Free DSi Points Offer
  • Will you be picking up a DSi at launch? How would you spend 1000 Nintendo points?

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    Darn it, I really don't want to get a DSi...but i'll think on it...

    If only they kept the GBA slot!

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    I really don't want to get one either, the price is ridiculous quite frankly, but Nintendo are making it really tempting... I think I'll just keep going with my DSP until it breaks. DSi doesn't have a Sonic skin, so it sucks.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Now this makes me think about it. I don\'t want another DS though...
    Any idea what kinds of applications are there? Is there a developer platform where I can make applications? If there is then count me in.

    ( Edited 27.03.2009 11:56 by zcollvee (aka zafarali) )

    My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

    i glad they got rid of the GBA slot.. i think SD slot is a lot better ^^

    Insert Singute Here

    lewtoo said:
    i glad they got rid of the GBA slot.. i think SD slot is a lot better ^^

    They probably could have had both. I think it\'s stupid to get rid of the GBA slot just to trim off a couple of millimetres to size especially since it means games like Guitar Hero are now out-dated for DSi owners.

    All retail outlets are selling Nintendo Points for rip-off prices. It\'s £17.99 for 2000 instead of the £14.99 they charge for the soon to be gone Wii points.

    ( Edited 27.03.2009 18:02 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

    All retail outlets are seeling Nintendo Points for rip-off prices. It's £17.99 for 2000 instead of the £14.99 they charge for the soon to be gone Wii points.

    ... OH.MY.GOD ...


    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


    £29.99 for 3000 points when it costs only £21 via the Shop Channel. They might eventually go down but to even have these prices is a bit too much.

    £12 for 1000 points compared to £7 on the Shop Channel.

    ( Edited 27.03.2009 18:02 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

    I still hate the idea of Points for anything. I know it's necessary, but it just bugs me for some reason. Smilie

    The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

    I'm quite interested in GAME's £75 trade in (store card) offer for a DSi when you take a working DSlite in the day you pick up your DSi from the store. Or £50 in cash.

    However in the terms it says import consoles are excluded, I have two DS's, one UK and one USA. I wanted to take both and get two DSi's. Maybe the dude behind the counter won't realise when I take them in.

    random person (guest) 19.06.2011#10

    wow i'm a LITTLE late.

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