Golden Club Nintendo Wii Wheel in the Flesh

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.03.2009 7

Golden Club Nintendo Wii Wheel in the Flesh on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A lucky Club Nintendo member has received his shiny golden Wii wheel in the mail. See it in the open inside.

Members who have earnt enough points can claim the mighty golden plastic wheel - it's purpose? Pretty much the same as your standard Wii Shell, but with a lick of golden paint to be the envy of your racing buddies.

Image for Golden Club Nintendo Wii Wheel in the Flesh
Image for Golden Club Nintendo Wii Wheel in the Flesh

Thanks to All Games Beta.

Would you shell out your points for this golden Wii shell?

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So it doesn't even let you get a Golden Wheel in Mario Kart Wii without trying? Laaame. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

*gets spray paint*
When are they going to do different coloured Wii's I really want a black remote to go with My DS and TV?
Again, the wii wheel sucks, standard controls are better.

It looks ugly.

Echoes221 said:
Again, the wii wheel sucks, standard controls are better.

My opinion, too! I'd rather use Nunchuck and Wiimote.

If you want a black Wiimote, then spray it. It's like in the song:
"I have a Wiimote
and I want to paint it black!"

Oh my, I think I chewed a clown... *shakes head*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Yo that be pimpin

jess (guest) 09.02.2011#6

how do I buy or earn this???

natnew (guest) 14.08.2012#7

question: how mush is it on e-bay? I want it!

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