Pink, Lime Green, Blue DSi for Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.02.2009 39

Pink, Lime Green, Blue DSi for Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In the usual Nintendo tradition, the Japanese branch will be painting the nation with three new DSi colours to buy.

On March 20th 2009 Japan will receive the new colours: hot pink, lime green and a navy/metallic blue model. Each will be priced at the regular DSi RRP of 18,900Yen ($194, £134).

Image for Pink, Lime Green, Blue DSi for Japan
Image for Pink, Lime Green, Blue DSi for Japan
Image for Pink, Lime Green, Blue DSi for Japan

What do you think of the new DSi Colours?

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Look pretty decent, blue being easily better than the US version imo. Green looks a wee bit ugly to me, and pink's awwwight.

Would be nice for some DS-style half colours, or some custom designs over simple colours.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The green sucks, and thats my favourite colour. Pink is hot though

That pink is awesome, but the BLUUUE!? That's easily the best Blue coloured game system released since the GBASP!

I think I'll be importing the blue one, if I ever get a DSi that is. White and Black kinda just PLAINSUX.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's the shade of pink the PSP was released in. I love the Blue one - really want one of those!!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Green DS lite looks better than the DSi one imo.

I like the blue a lot! I would like to habe a dark green, thou. My GBA SP is a deep red. That's cool, too. I like dark no-pastel colors, methinks...

Pink isn't my thing.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Each will be priced at the regular DSi RRP of 18,900Yen ($194, £134).

What? I thought it was only $170. Smilie

Wikipedia said:

The system was first released in Japan on November 1, 2008 for ¥18,900 (tax included; ¥18,000 before tax)[13] in matte black and matte white.[8] In Japan, Nintendo had shipped 200,000 DSi units for its launch.[14][15] During its first two days on sale in Japan, the DSi sold 170,779 units according to Enterbrain;[16][17] or 171,925 units according to Media Create.[18][19] In its first month on sale, the DSi sold 535,379 units in Japan, according to Enterbrain;[20] in comparison to 550,000 DS Lites sold in its launch month.[21] In its first two months of availability, the DSi has sold 1,280,000 units in Japan, according to Enterbrain.[5]

The DSi will be released in North America on April 5, 2009 and will be available in matte black and matte blue, for US$169.99 in the United States and CAD$199.95 in Canada.[22] Gaming blog Kotaku reported Nintendo Australia stating the DSi will be released in Australia on April 2, 2009 for AUD$299.95.[23] In Europe, the handheld will be released on April 3, 2009 for £149.99.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

L said:
Green DS lite looks better than the DSi one imo.


The pink is okay could be a little lighter though. The blue is nice though.

Keven said:

What? I thought it was only $170.

Article said:

On March 20th 2009 Japan will receive the new colours: hot pink, lime green and a navy/metallic blue model. Each will be priced at the regular DSi RRP of 18,900Yen ($194, £134).

Even in your Wikipedia quote it says 18,900 yen.

( Edited 25.02.2009 14:21 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

What I want is the awesome "glacier blue" colour that my GBA was

Image for

though 2/3 of those new colours look awesome! Smilie (I personally wouldn't get the green one)

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Those DSi's are neither hot pink or lime green.
Navy looks cool!

I think I'll be importing the blue one, if I ever get a DSi that is.

You do know the DSi is region locked?

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
You do know the DSi is region locked?

Arg; completely forgot that. Only for DSiWare anyway, but yeah, now I just hope these colours are brought to Europe, though I'm not holding any hopes :/

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That blue one is awesome. I think I'll wait until some new colors arrive in America to buy the DSi. My DS phat is just too outdated.

SuperLink said:
Birdo Is A Tranny said:
You do know the DSi is region locked?

Arg; completely forgot that. Only for DSiWare anyway, but yeah, now I just hope these colours are brought to Europe, though I\'m not holding any hopes :/

No no SL, DSi games (as in the ones you buy in the store) region locked too. Smilie

( Edited 25.02.2009 19:47 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Seeeeriously!? Man, Nintendo smell more and more every day. Smilie Why do they have to be such nazis about importing?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

There are going to be DSi-specific retail games? First I've heard of it. Smilie

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
SuperLink said:
Birdo Is A Tranny said:
You do know the DSi is region locked?

Arg; completely forgot that. Only for DSiWare anyway, but yeah, now I just hope these colours are brought to Europe, though I'm not holding any hopes :/

No no SL, DSi games (as in the ones you buy in the store) region locked too. Smilie

You are a spastic, there is no retail DSi software.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

SuperLink said:
Birdo Is A Tranny said:
You do know the DSi is region locked?

Arg; completely forgot that. Only for DSiWare anyway, but yeah, now I just hope these colours are brought to Europe, though I'm not holding any hopes :/

I don't understand why they can't just have one big DSi shop, at least for US and Europe anyway.

Mario_0 said:
Birdo Is A Tranny said:
SuperLink said:
Birdo Is A Tranny said:
You do know the DSi is region locked?

Arg; completely forgot that. Only for DSiWare anyway, but yeah, now I just hope these colours are brought to Europe, though I'm not holding any hopes :/

No no SL, DSi games (as in the ones you buy in the store) region locked too. Smilie

You are a spastic, there is no retail DSi software.

Excuse me? Spastic? I think that was totally uncalled for.

Nintendo have stated that any DSI download-able games and any future DSi-only cartridge-based games would be region locked.


I doubt we will see any DSI retail stuff for another year or 2 maybe and even then they'll probably be limited to some gimmick funtion so it can be played on the normal DS as well.

I really hate the new exterior of the DS. It's this disgusting rubbery material that feels awkward on an electronic device and it makes the system look like a toy. DS Lite for me.

CuRoi said:
I doubt we will see any DSI retail stuff for another year or 2 maybe and even then they'll probably be limited to some gimmick funtion so it can be played on the normal DS as well.

lol 2 years, a few months, tops.
I don't even understand why nintendo haven't announced a DSi retail game yet or will they just release all their new DSi games via download?

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
lol 2 years, a few months, tops.
I don\'t even understand why nintendo haven\'t announced a DSi retail game yet

Maybe because the DS\' audience is insanely huge and they\'d be alienating atronomical amounts of fans and basically stabbing themselves in the foot if they did it anytime soon?

I\'m pretty sure the downloads are mostly no big deal either. Just little apps and mini games \'n\' stuff so far. I really don\'t think they\'ll pull a GBC on the DS crowd TBH.

( Edited 27.02.2009 14:52 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
lol 2 years, a few months, tops.
I don't even understand why nintendo haven't announced a DSi retail game yet or will they just release all their new DSi games via download?

I'm sure GBC only games didn't really start coming out until over year after it was released. There has been no official announcement by Nintendo anywhere of DSi retail games being released, that CVG article you posted earlier says nothing; 'a Nintendo spokesman told us' right, right. The DSi has been out for months. No cartridge has been shown. No software announced. Wouldn't games like Dragon Quest 9 introduce some gimmick DSi crap since they're like months away? As starter games for it? Until Nintendo send out a press release showing of new packaging and stuff, it remains as vapour for now.

I'm still not 100% convinced that they would even region lock these DSi-only retail games whenever they are eventually released, and I'm sure they probably will be, like with the GBC. It would cause alot of confusion with customers buying games abroad and handheld games have been region free for years. Why the sudden change? If they're marketing to non gamer people as well, they're going to have to take into account that they're all clueless. Non-gamer buys game in foreign airport, gets on plane, plugs it in, oh it doesn't work!

I really don't think they'll pull a GBC on the DS crowd TBH

Totally agree, I think most "DSi" games will be DS + extras.

Why the sudden change?

To reduce piracy and imports.

If they're marketing to non gamer people as well, they're going to have to take into account that they're all clueless. Non-gamer buys game in foreign airport, gets on plane, plugs it in, oh it doesn't work!

So? Like Nintendo will care Smilie , they get thier money it's your fault for being ignorant.

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