SNES Classic Controller on Play Asia

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.02.2009 13

SNES Classic Controller on Play Asia on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The limited-edition SNES classic controller for Japanese Club Nintendo members, is now back in stock to purchase online.

Essentially it's a SNES controller that's been wired to attach up to a Wii Remote as a classic controller, working with titles downloaded on the virtual console service, or for those using homebrew apps. Play Asia is listing the Japanese import for a whopping $74.90 (£53).

Image for SNES Classic Controller on Play Asia

Image for SNES Classic Controller on Play Asia

Will you be picking up the SNES controller? Or is the asking price a little too much?


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This has been on Play Asia before jb, I got email alerts a while back. They've just been restocked.

I have two already, so does Zapp. I'm only using one at the moment the other is boxed and is staying in mint condition. I paid 50 each at retail. They are rare so the cost is to be expected.

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Thank you for playing Super Famicom

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The classic controller is perfectly fine for my SNES gaming. Smilie

( Edited 19.02.2009 16:03 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

Now, if only there was a way to use it on SFIV.

That is an absolute riduclous price to pay for such a thing. I'd love to get one, but that is something that Nintendo really need to sort out.

I mean, i think they should put a few of these out into UK retail for like £15-20, and also N64 pads

N64 pads would be ace. They defo need to consider a wireless wave-bird style pad for the Wii, GC pads/Classic are okay, but would defo love a coupla wavebirds!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

noticed they had them some time ago. i was already planning to get one too, along with a few other wii related stuff ^^.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

$75 is a Wii bit expensive. (Get it? Smilie)

Is this really necessary? The Classic Controller is more than enough if you ask me.

Speaking of Wii peripherals, you folks may wanna check out the recent news on Nyko's Wii devices I honestly don't care that their new nunchuck can rumble, that Wii remote is just too damn ugly to use...

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

I think the CC is crap myself, I hate the feel of it.

The cheese. said:
$75 is a Wii bit expensive. (Get it? Smilie)

That is lame enought to be funny. Smilie

The Japanese always get the cool stuff....

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

If it plugged into the Gamecube slot, I'm there. Wireless is just not responsive enough for some of the crazy-hard shumps and action games, though.

Im hoping this comes to the american Club Nintendo. o-o

MasaMuneCyrus said:
If it plugged into the Gamecube slot, I'm there. Wireless is just not responsive enough for some of the crazy-hard shumps and action games, though.

I think your being very picky, I've never had slow response from my virtual contoller. Anyway me want! Smilie

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