Japanese Police Try Mii Editor in Wanted Poster

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.02.2009 13

Japanese Police Try Mii Editor in Wanted Poster on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Police in Kanagawa, Japan have put up a wanted posted with a sketch of the criminal using the Mii editor.

Instead of drafting up a sketch from eye-witness reports, the department popped up an image using Nintendo's Mii editor. The man, according to All.Games.Beta is being hunted down for a hit and run case.

Image for Japanese Police Try Mii Editor in Wanted Poster

If you see a giant walking Mii around Japan, be sure to report to the police asap.

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This is nuts.

Once apprehended, he'll be sentenced to 2000 hours of Wii Music.

Less posty, more gamey.

That's brilliant! Smilie

Saw this earlier via Go Ninty. They are fricking crazy those Japanese Smilie

dartmonkey said:
Once apprehended, he'll be sentenced to 2000 hours of Wii Music.

A deserved sentence for a fatal hit n run. Smilie

They probably have a real photo of him, knowing them. Mii's are so ambiguous that they're going to have lots of people reported.

This is really silly. I bet the victim is pissed off with a sketch like this instead of an artist's impression!

Unless the victim was the one who came up with it...

Still, very silly and trivialising IMO.

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I'll laugh if this actually leads to a conviction. Smilie

Awesome. How mad do the japanese get? They dont stop at putting popping candy in cady floss, they make wii business cards, and inline for their new game: Wii convict!

( Edited 04.02.2009 14:18 by Echoes221 )

That's brillant! Absolutely brillant!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Not that we didn't already know it, but Japenese are crazy. Smilie

. Mii's are so ambiguous that they're going to have lots of people reported.

If something is created from memory, sketchs are made deliberately vague.

The idea is to only put in details the victim remembers, even if this produces an unrealistic picture, its better then adding features they dont know for sure.

Much like how old photo-fits used sets of eyes,nose's and mouths cut together.

As crazy as it seems, the vagueness of the Mii's is probably just right for this sort of job.

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Canyarion said:
Not that we didn't already know it, but Japenese are crazy. Smilie

They sure are Smilie

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It may be time to holster the indignation. Most countries now use cut and paste technology rather than skilled sketch artists... However not from a video game console.

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